Levi Kitchen Talks Mini O’s, Training with Kevin Windham – Mini Os


What’s the rough plan at the moment for 2021?
I’m just taking it day by day but I think initially, [the plan is] to stay amateur A until Loretta’s, race Loretta’s as my last amateur race and do some outdoors after that. It all depends, I don’t know. If the next few months on supercross feel really well and unfortunately people get hurt these days so if an opportunity to fill in comes up, maybe I would do that. I got my points at Mini O’s. But my initial goal is, if I feel ready, I want to just go [pro] outdoors next year and just kinda make that my plan. Or do Loretta’s, either way. I’m open to anything, really. Whatever they [the team] think I should do, they know best.

When you mentioned struggling a few years ago, did you ever think you would get this far and have the opportunity to turn pro as a racer?
Well, back in 2018 before Loretta’s, I had a work belt on with my dad, going to be an electrician for him sometimes! [Laughs] So at that point I really didn’t know what my plan was and I started feeling doubts, like I didn’t know if this was really for me. When I went to Loretta’s in 2018, I mean, I literally went straight from the couch. I went from helping my dad and I would maybe ride once on the weekend, I was out of shape, I really didn’t have any sort of a program and then I went to Loretta’s and somehow got second, I don’t really know how! [Laughs] So it definitely shocked me. People had always told me, a lot of my buddies and family were like, “If you just put in the work, maybe you can do good.” And finally, I think with maturity and stuff, I kinda got to the point where I knew I needed to do something and then that’s when I moved to the Real Deal. It just got better ever since. As soon as I started putting in the work, I feel like I am naturally gifted in some aspects on the bike, so once you put work ethic behind that you can’t really beat it.

What would you say as motivation to a younger rider? What’s a motto you live by?
I live by the motto, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” There are guys that have no talent on a dirt bike and they grind it out all their life and those are the ones that come out on top. But I feel like if you are also naturally gifted at dirt bike or whatever sport it is, if you work hard at it as well, you’re going to be the next big thing as well.

Away from the bike, when you have time off, you park the bike in the garage, what’s the one thing you are like, “Alright I cannot wait to do this now” or do you have any hobbies you like to do?
Yeah, I really enjoy fishing, fly fishing especially. It’s about the most enjoyable thing you can do. Whenever I don’t have to ride, you’ll definitely find me on the water or also riding a BMX bike. And as of lately, golf. I’m been golfing quite a bit, I mean I’m really bad but I’m trying to get better! [Laughs] It’s a fun mental game and it’s pretty relaxing too, I mean I get pretty pissed off at it but it’s fun. [Laughs]

I’ve heard of some other guys in the industry that like to fish. If you could pick any rider to fish with, who would it be?
I don’t know. Probably Mookie [Malcolm Stewart]. I see he goes bass fishing a lot and stuff, I’m more of a fly fishing guy. I don’t really know of any motocross races that fly fish to be honest, I’m sure there are some but as far as top pros I can’t think of any. I would probably say Malcolm. And if they’re looking at this interview or whatever and want to go fishing with me, you boys better be ready because I’m coming! [Laughs]

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