Support Wild and Scenic designation for southwest rivers


One of the great pleasures of living in southwestern New Mexico is our access to the spectacular Gila country. The dramatic juxtaposition of our high desert landscape and the unexpected waters of the Gila is unique to our state and the region.  

As a life-long fly fisherman, I’ve especially appreciated the opportunity to catch and release wild trout in the free-flowing streams of the Gila and San Francisco river watersheds. Although I’ve fished on bigger and more famous rivers and caught bigger fish, one of my favorite places to fish over the years is along a tributary stream to the San Francisco River near Glenwood. The fish I catch aren’t big, but they are feisty and plentiful and the scenery and experience are unparalleled. 

A great opportunity to protect the waters of the Gila comes with the reintroduction of the M.H. Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic River Act by New Mexico’s U.S. Sens. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján. Named after a visionary conservationist, writer, fisherman and outdoorsman from Silver City, the legislation seeks to designate more than 440 miles of the Gila and San Francisco rivers and their tributaries as Wild and Scenic rivers. The designation will ensure traditional and current uses of the rivers while enhancing local economies through recreation and tourism. 

Recreational and hunting and fishing opportunities will continue to be supported and enhanced through adoption of this legislation. Data developed by Southwick and Associates conducted in 2020, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, found that roughly 913,000 people visited the region annually, supporting at least 5,300 tourism and recreation-based jobs. That same study shows that with adoption of the Wild and Scenic designation, an additional $144 million in recreational spending is possible in the region.  

The Gila trout was once listed as endangered and the impacts of climate change, drought, wildfire, and non-native species continue to threaten this unique species of trout. Significant recovery efforts have moved the fish to its current threatened status, but much work remains if Gila trout will once again thrive. As the legislation moves forward in Congress, it will be important to ensure the bill complements efforts to restore native Gila trout to more of their historic range. 

Many organizations have contributed to the effort to achieve the Wild and Scenic designation for the Gila and San Francisco rivers, among them sportspeople, Indigenous communities, small business owners, conservationists, landowners, civic groups and outdoor recreation proponents. The Gila/Rio Grande chapter of Trout Unlimited has helped support this effort as part of our broader work to protect and restore the Gila watershed and the native fish that evolved over thousands of years to call this place home. 

I hope New Mexicans, particularly those in the region surrounding the Gila, will urge the passage of this important legislation by Sens. Heinrich and Luján. It is the result of many years of hopes, dreams, hard work, and negotiation that will benefit all of us and our beloved Gila region. As someone who has been a fly-fisherman for most of my life, this designation is of particular importance to me. 

Pat Lamb is secretary of Gila-Rio Grande chapter of Trout Unlimited.

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