Deer hunt, Trout unlimited, Shreve Lake


Ohio State Trapper’s Association

The Ohio State Trapper’s Association will hold its Region B meet on Saturday, Oct. 2 at the Killbuck Valley Sportsman’s Club (8482 Township Road 559, Holmesville). Trapping demonstrations will begin at 8 a.m. with Steve Bourgeois discussing pocket sets, followed at 9 a.m. with Glenn Witchey giving tips on racoon trapping. At 10 a.m. Mark Kohler will do a seminar on coyote trapping, with Brian Sprague talking all about the OSTA fur auctions at 11 a.m.

At noon, there will be a lunch, raffle and 50/50 drawing. There will also be free tailgate and vendor setup. For more information, call Keith Jones at 740-472-5459.

Food and refreshments will be offered by the Killbuck Valley Sportsman’s Club.

Whitetail Heritage hunt

Whitetail Heritage of Ohio is now accepting applications for its annual deer hunt, this year to be held on Saturday, Oct. 2. Eligible applicants are those who would like to hunt, but due to a disability are restricted, or unable to do so. It is open to youth and adults. Also, first-time hunters who have never hunted and do not have anyone to take them hunting are eligible.

Whitetail Heritage of Ohio will be taking up to 25 applicants out to hunt free-range whitetail deer along with a guide and cameraman. Hunters will be supplied with camo head-to-toe, along with hunting boots and various other hunting gear. Crossbows will be supplied by TenPoint Crossbows. Free lunch and supper will be provided by Byler’s BBQ.

The public is encouraged to come spend the day at base camp and enjoy the day.

Go to the Whitetail Heritage of Ohio Facebook page to learn more and to register. Application deadline is Sept. 10.

Trout Unlimited meeting

The Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited will hold its first fall meeting on Monday, Sept. 13 at 7:15 p.m. The chapter plans to resume holding in-person meetings this fall and request that everyone wear a mask.

The meeting site has changed. This year we will be meeting at the First Presbyterian Church at 621 College Ave. in Wooster (see our website for directions). In addition to meeting in-person, we will continue to provide a Zoom option for those who wish to attend that way. Everyone who wishes to join this meeting remotely using your home computer must send an email message to Please indicate that you wish to participate in the Sept. 13 CFRTU meeting and include your name and email address. In response, you will receive an official “invitation” to the Zoom meeting that will include a link that will take you directly to the meeting on Sept. 13. Those who attended meetings by Zoom last spring must also send the email request to continue using Zoom this fall.

At the meeting, there will be a discussion of current chapter activities, including planning for our fall trout stocking of Apple Creek and the three-session “Learn to Fly Fish” clinic that our chapter will be sponsoring on Oct. 6, 13 and 16. Details of this event will soon be available on our website, including how to sign up as a student in this class. Following that, Randy Rowe, Skip Nault and Steve Slack, will discuss “Spring Steelheading on Michigan’s Muskegon River.” The last several years, a few of us have fished the Muskegon River below the Croton Dam in late April. Steelhead fishing there can be excellent, with these large fish running 8-16 pounds. The speakers will explain how steelhead are taken on flies using the “chuck and duck” method, and also on spawn bags using a bottom bouncing technique.

Details of this and future meetings, plus other chapter activities and local fishing reports, can be found on our chapter website at All meetings of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited are open to the public and anyone interested in fishing and cold water fisheries preservation is encouraged to participate. Interested women anglers are especially invited to attend.

Shreve Lake restoration push

Shreve Lake Restoration signatures are needed for a petition to get the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to repair the beautiful lake to its original beauty sooner rather than later. To join this cause, please add Shreve Lake Restoration on Facebook or sign our petition at

Fall still shoots

Fall still shoots at the Shreve Farmer’s Sportsman Club will be held on the following Sundays, Sept. 12, 19, 26; and Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. Progressive shoot currently over $3,000. Win assorted meat prizes and cash. For more information contact Missy at 330-464-5621. The club is located at 8430 Township Road 513, Shreve.

Outdoor notes, email change

Any group, individual or organization wishing to announce events in the Outdoor Notes section should email them to Please put Outdoor Note in the subject line.

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