WYO Game And Fish Invite Women 18+ To B.O.W Workshop In Dubois


Wyoming Game and Fish Department does a fantastic job offering opportunities for men, women and kids throughout the year to help them have a better experience in the outdoors. Every summer WGFD offers women aged 18+ to attend the Wyoming Becoming and Outdoors-Woman workshop.

The event is held June 17-19 at the Whiskey Mountain Conservation Camp in Dubois, WY. During this event women will have the chance to learn or enhance the basics of canoeing, fishing, archery, fly-tying, shooting, backpacking, photography of the outdoors and have many other experience chances.

If this sounds interesting to you, it will only cost $150 and that includes meals and lodging from lunch June 17 – lunch June 19th. If you’ve always wanted a weekend to learn more about the outdoors, here is your chance. You just need to have your application returned by April 1, 2022 with your payment and medical/liability form as well. Participants will be selected from a random drawing process and those drawn will be notified by April 27th.



With so many programs being offered, you may need to take a prior course for shooting classes. To be apart of shooting courses, you will need to take either and introduction to firearms class or complete a hunters education class. There are courses offered in person or online all over the US. If interested in Wyoming, you must go to take a hunter education class at www.hunter-ed.com/wyoming/ before the event in June.

There are around 19 different programs that you can select from to learn about and get hands on experience. Wyoming B.O.W. is a safe, non-intimidating weekend that you’ll be glad you participated in.

Learn more about the different programs, get the instructions and application by visiting the WGFD Application Packet.

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Wyoming is full of incredible places to visit and spend time that aren’t your normal tourist attractions.

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