Wild and Scenic Film Festival returns to Red Bluff, virtually – Red Bluff Daily News


The Tehama Conservation Fund, the non-profit branch of the Resource Conservation District of Tehama County, is preparing for its seventh annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival-Red Bluff event to be held virtually on Saturday, March 26.

Festival goers can expect a wild time with adrenaline and inspiration through stunning cinematography and first-rate storytelling.

The fund has curated a series of nine short films featuring fun-filled outdoors including fly fishing, hunting, mountain biking, surfing and slack lining, to name a few. The fund values this festival as a way to connect with the community and share the joy of the natural world as well as the fund’s role as stewards to help keep it healthy now and for the next generations.

The nonprofit provides the community with the popular TinderSmart Tehama, the wildfire readiness service that works with landowners to remove hazardous vegetation and various youth-centric conservation programs such as Outdoor Galore, the nature-based activity kit kids adore.

Tickets are on sale now at tehama-conservation-fund.org. Event organizers rely on generous sponsors to help keep ticket prices reasonable at $10 general admission, free for veterans and active military — contact the fund for access code.

Thanks to the Highlands Ranch Resort at Childs Meadow, GreenWaste of Tehama, KIXE and the Tehama County Veterans Collaborative. Their sponsorship helps keep admission costs reasonable during the fundraising event.

Be sure to follow Wild & Scenic Film Festival-Red Bluff on social media for Still Shot Sneak Peeks; Facebook fb.me/e/1DF9CxbdL and instagram.com/rcdtehamacounty.

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