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‘2020 Vision,’ an exhibit of artwork from recently graduated Tunkhannock Area students, is on display in the Wyoming County Courthouse Art Gallery, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the courthouse is open by appointment only. To make such an appointment for the art show, call Tom Henry at 570-996-2228.


‘Shelter in Place: New Works by Ron Rumford’ is on exhibit at the Waverly Community House, 1115 N. Abington Rd., Waverly, when gallery open. Info: 570-586-8191, ext. 3.


‘Art in Nature’ exhibit in the Earnshaw and Sherwood Galleries at the Dietrich Theater, Tunkhannock, features work by artists Eric Buffington, Barry Everson, Colleen Germain, Stephen Colley and Amy Griffith Colley. Exhibit curated by Stephen Hendrickson, production designer for TV. Open when theater open for movies. Info: 570-836-1022, ext. 2.

SEP. 16

Frances Slocum State Park has a Bird Walk at 8:30 a.m. led by Audubon Society member John Dickinson. Opportunity to walk along the road and parking lot edges looking for the last birds of summer. Bring binoculars if you have them. Meet in the driveway of the Solano Education Building. To sign up, email kkelchner@pa.gov or call 570-696-9105.

Science on Screen brings you ‘ Snakes on a Plane,’ a free showing at 7 p.m. with a program by naturalist and snake expert Rick Koval to introduce you to some live snakes from our area. Includes free popcorn and soda, but seating limited. Make reservation at 570-836-1022, ext. 3.

SEP. 17

Hiking the Grand View Trail, a 2-mile moderate hike at Ricketts Glen State Park. Park, set for 9-11 a.m. Park and meet at Shale Pit Parking Lot off Rt. 487 in the park. You must bring a mask to attend this program. Registration required by emailing Rhiannon at rhsummers@pa.gov or calling 570-477-7780.

Constitution Day Voter registration drive at Hibbard Campus Center, third floor, Keystone College, noon-2 p.m. Info: Jeff at 570-945-8306.

Artist reception for ‘Shelter in Place: New Works by Ron Rumford’ exhibit at the Waverly Community House, 1115 N. Abington Rd., Waverly at 5 p.m., followed by a talk with the artist at 6:30 p.m. Info: 570-586-8191, ext. 3.

Mehoopany Creek Watershed Association meets at 7 p.m. in the Forkston Township building.

SEP. 18

Dallas Chapter Eastern Star Building Association is holding a pre-order Welsh Cookie Sale, with pickup 4-6 p.m. Orders need to be placed by 9/15 by calling Dianne at 570-675-4893, Cynthia at 570-674-5504, or Melanie at 570-817-1962.

Football Friday Pizza Sales at Factoryville Fire Company, 412 College Ave., Factoryville, starting at 4 p.m. Info: 570-945-5769.

Frances Slocum State Park has a ‘Bird Basics’ science program 6-6:45 p.m. for elementary/middle school-aged children at Pavilion #1. To sign up by 9/1, email kkelchner@pa.gov or call 570-696-9105.

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

SEP. 18

Community Food Bank will be held at Lake Winola United Methodist Church, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. All eligible households from Wyoming and Luzerne counties may avail themselves of the program. Must register by noon, 9/16, to participate. Info: Jen at 570-586-1433.

‘Hope & Remembrance’ program will be at 6 p.m. at the open-air Williams Pavilion at Salt Springs State Park. Join in on remembering those lost to suicide; hear stories from survivors that offer hope, and learn about resources available that can help someone who is struggling. Limited seating available so feel free to bring your own chair. Light refreshments served.

SEP. 19

Clifford Twp. Historical Society has a Trinkets & Treasures Roadside Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., on the front porch of the Clifford Children’s Garden, 206 Cemetery St. Info: 570-679-2723.

Pennsylvania Songbirds Educator Workshop, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., is at Ricketts Glen State Park. Open to educators who work with students in grades K-12, this is s a hands-on, interdisciplinary resource. $10. Bring a sack lunch and dress for outdoor fun.Registration required by 9/11/20. Info: Rhiannon at rhsummers@pa.gov or call 570-477-7780.

Open House at Keystone College, Factoryville with morning session at 9:30 a.m. or afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Learn about academic programs, financial aid, the application process, and tour the campus. Info: 570-945-8111 or email admissions@keystone.edu

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

Drive-Thru Chicken Barbecue at Springville United Methodist Church, 11 a.m. until sold out. $12 dinner, $7 halves. Please pre-order at 570-965-2332 by 9/12. Info: 570-965-2146.

Dennis Strong American Legion Post Chicken BBQ, pre-sales only for pick-up, 12:30-3 p.m., in WalMart parking lot.

Dalton Fire Company has a Chicken BBQ at the Dalton Carnival Grounds, from 1 p.m. until sold out. Only 400 dinners (at $12 each) will be served. No presale tickets available, but can reserve a dinner by emailing events.dfc5@gmail.com or calling 570-499-3474.

Frances Slocum State Park has a ‘Critters in the Creek’ program at 1 p.m. to look for tiny creatures hiding in the water. Wear shoes that can get wet, but no flip flops. Meet in the parking lot near Pavilion #1. To sign up, email kkelchner@pa.gov or call 570-696-9105.

SEP. 20

Mini Rendezvous/Outdoorsman Flea Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Gathering Place, 10 Sunnyside Road, Tunkhannock. No charge on admission. Demos by local trappers. Vendors wanted with hunting, fishing and trapping items. Info 570-575-4100. Sponsored by District 9 of Pa. Trappers Association.

Falls Lions Club is having a Chicken Barbecue at Hock Park, Exeter Twp., starting at 11 a.m. $10 chicken dinner, $5 pork sandwich with beans & chips, $5 bag of desserts.

Mehoopany Area Library will be selling BBQ chicken halves for $6 with pickup at noon. Be sure to call and reserve your BBQ Chicken half at 570-833-2818.

Lake Carey Sportsmen’s Club is having a Drive-thru Chicken Barbecue, noon-2 p.m. Pre-orders only. Must call 570-836-6690 to place your order. Dinners include: chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, roll and dessert. $10 dinners, $6 halves.

Artists reception, 2-5 p.m. for ‘Art in Nature’ artists Eric Buffington, Barry Everson, Colleen Germain, Stephen Colley and Amy Griffith Colley as well as curator Stephen Hendrickson at the Dietrich Theater, Tunkhannock. Info: 570-836-1022, ext. 2.

SEP. 21

The Comm Centennial Classic Golf Tournament at Glen Oak Country Club, a fundraiser for the Waverly Community House, has registration at 10:30 a.m. followed by a noon shotgun start. $175 registration fee includes 18 holes of golf, lunch, beverages and outdoor cookout. Info: 570-586-8191.

CEO Food Giveaway at St. Peters Episcopal Church, 3832 Route 6, Tunkhannock, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. or while food items last. Food is given in cooperation with the Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank. Registration on-site; patrons asked to wear face masks. Info: 570-878-4670.

Soup Night, 4:30-6:30 p.m., at South Montrose Community Church, just off Rt. 29 at the blinking light. Drive-thru, takeout only; no seating due to COVID-19. Free meal includes choice of Broccoli Cheddar or Taco Soup, salad, bread and cookies.

‘Preventing Bird-Window Collisions’ offered by Wyoming Valley Audubon Society at 7 p.m. Zoom presentation focuses on the challenge of providing safe flight passage around homes and other buildings. Megan Fedor will provide practical advice. To get sign-on, register at GWVAS.ORG under programs. Info: Craig Yarrish at 570-479-0400.

SEP. 22

Ricketts Glen State Park is offering ‘Intro to Fly Fishing Meet-Up,’ noon to 2 p.m. Meet at the Western Boat Launch. For anyone interested in learning more about the basics of fishing. Pre-registration required. No fishing license needed for duration of program. Visit www.register-ed.com/events/view/162092

Ricketts Glen State Park also has a ‘First Day of Fall Paddle’ at 1 p.m. Bring your paddle boat for a guided tour of Lake Jean to observe the first day of fall. You will need to bring your own boat, life jacket and have a current launch permit. You must have previous kayak experience. This is not a learn-how-to-kayak class and no boats will be loaned out. Park and meet at the Western Boat Launch. Register by contacting Rhiannon by phone at 570-477-7780 or by email at rhsummers@pa.gov

SEP. 23

Wyoming County Active Adult Center, Eaton Township, is hosting a ‘Drive-Thru’ Flu Clinic, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the center parking lot. Flu, pneumonia, or shingles shots available. Specify which when pre-registering by 9/16 by calling 570-836-2324.

SEP. 24

Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce Fallfest Mixer, 5-9 p.m., with presenting sponsor Cabot at Shadowbrook Resort. Brings together business professionals from companies large and small for an evening of camaraderie, food and live music with the Dallas Carter Band. Will follow all CDC guidelines; only selling 200 tickets. Info: email gina @wyccc.com or call 570-836-7755.

SEP. 25

‘Discover Ricketts Hike,’ 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Ricketts Glen State Park. Provides an opportunity to hike the Old Beaver Dam Road Trail to see Ganoga Falls. This is a 5-mile moderate hike. Park and meet at the Shale Pit Parking Lot located along Rt. 487. Space is limited so please register by contacting Rhiannon by phone at 570-477-7780 or by email at rhsummers@pa.gov

Pulled Pork Dinner, Drive-thru only, at Northmoreland Twp. Vol Fire Company, 4-6:30 p.m., at the fire hall, 1618 Demunds Road, Centermoreland. $9. Info: Jim at 570-333-4906.

Frances Slocum State Park has an ‘Interesting Owls’ science program 6-6:45 p.m. for elementary/middle school-aged children at Pavilion #1. To sign up by 9/1, email kkelchner@pa.gov or call 570-696-9105.

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

Eatonville United Methodist Church is offering a fun-filled, COVID-safe Community Activity at 7:30 p.m. Due to licensing requirements, the church is unable to share fully about the event in the newspaper but check out EatonvilleUMC.org for all the details. It will be a joyful evening for friends (and friends-to-be) of all ages!

SEP. 25-27

Youth Heritage Sojourn, a 3-day paddle down the Susquehanna River. Includes educational talks on kayaking safety, environmental stewardship, history and ecology. Sojourn begins at 5 p.m., Friday, at Camp Lackawanna where participants will spend both nights. Students will be paddling a total of 26-30 miles.Open to 8-12 grade students. Registration capped at 45 participants. First come, first served at $125 person.

SEP. 26

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

Salt Springs State Park hosts ‘Archery for Beginners’ program, 10 a.m.-noon. Equipment and targets provided and you bring your focus, aim, and maybe someone else for a little friendly competition. Led by Diane Hawley-Wurth. $5 fee. Follow Route 29 north of Montrose. Park is just off the main road at Franklin Forks. Info: 570-967-7275.

Frances Slocum State Park has an ‘Atlatyl Action’ program at 11 a.m. for ages 12 and older about an ancient weapon for adults and teens to try their skill at throwing for distance. Program will be held at Pavilion 1. To sign up, email kkelchner@pa.gov or call 570-696-9105.

Sweet Valley Volunteer Fire Company, 5383 Main Road, Sweet Valley, has a Drive-Thru Takeout Ham Dinner, 4:30-6:30 p.m. $10 Remain in your cars and the dinners will be brought to you. Info: 570-477-5121.

SEP. 27

Chicken Barbecue Pre-Order Drive-Thru at Field of Dreams Park, Lawton, pick-up 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $10 dinner, $7 half. Orders in by 9/14 to Brandi at 570-240-2729, David at 570-396-9819, or Joe at 570-034-2478. Sponsored by Rush Volunteer Fire Department.

SEP. 28

Northmoreland Twp. Vol Fire Company has Monday Night Bingo at the fire hall. Early bird starts at 6:30 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. Everything same as before, but masks are required. Doors at 5 p.m. Info: Jim at 570-333-4906.

SEP. 28-OCT. 24

Mini Fall Film Festival at the Dietrich Theater, Tunkhannock. Features five films. Cjecj www.dietrichtheater.com for movie times.

SEP. 29

Ricketts Glen State Park is offering ‘Intro to Fly Fishing Meet-Up,’ noon to 2 p.m. Meet at the Western Boat Launch. For anyone interested in learning more about the basics of fishing. Pre-registration required. No fishing license needed for duration of program. Visit www.register-ed.com/events/view/162093

SEP. 30

Eaton Township supervisors will take input at a meeting at the Eaton Township building off Hunter Highway at 7 p.m. open to the public to discuss the future of Roadside Rest on Route 29. Masks must be worn and social distancing is required. Info: Linda at 570-905-5834.

Hunts for Healing meets at 7 p.m. at Ringneck Ridge, 3 Coburn Hill Rd., Laceyville. Info: 570-869-1233.

OCT. 2

Football Friday Pizza Sales at Factoryville Fire Company, 412 College Ave., Factoryville, starting at 4 p.m. Info: 570-945-5769.

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

OCT. 3

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

Drive-thru Chicken BBQ Dinner Benefit for Carl Tylutki will be held at the Factoryville Fire Company on College Avenue. Available for pickup from 12:30 p.m. $12 donation. Advance tickets available at 570-945-5769.

OCT. 4

‘Vino & Van Gogh’ at French Azilum Historic Site features local artist and instructor Shivonne Strickland who will guide participants step-by-step to create an acrylic paint masterpiece of one’s own. Bring your favorite nibble; French Azilum will provide the vino and water. $35. Info: 570-265-3376 or 570-996-7534.

Rabies Clinic at Fleetville Volunteer Fire Company, 58 Firehouse Lane, Fleetville, 9 a.m.-noon. Conducted by North Winds Veterinary Services. Curbside service will be offered and masks must be worn. Paw-rents will stay in their vehicles while the pets are vaccinated to ensure proper social distancing and to protect our volunteers. Rabies vaccination $10 cash only. Animals must be leashed or caged and only one pet per carrier. Owners are encouraged to please bring a certificate of pet’s most recent rabies vaccination (not tag), if available. Info: Michelle at 570-840-0625.

OCT. 6

Endless Mountains Amateur Radio Club meets at 7 p.m. at Wyoming County Emergency Operation Center, Tunkhannock. Anyone interested in amateur radio or emergency communications welcome. Info: Joe at 570-942-0396.

OCT. 7

Falls Active Adult Center, 2813 Sullivans Trail, Exeter Twp., is hosting an opportunity to get your nnnual flu shot at 11 a.m. Pre-registration is required. Call Twila at 570-388-2623 by 9/30 to register.

OCT. 9

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

Veterans Meetup and Workshop at 7 p.m. at the Dietrich Theater, Tunkhannock. Meet up with fellow veterans and military service members. Light refreshments. Info: 570-996-1500.

OCT. 10

Artists Open House Weekend in Susquehanna County will be a virtual one thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Info: Visit www.artiststour.com

Fall Heritage Paddle (prices vary starting at $65). Register online limited to 50 participants. Kayak rentals available. Participants will meet at Endless Mountain Outfitters and will take a shuttle to French Azilum. Benefits Wyalusing Valley Museum. Endless Mountains Outfitters, 7474 Route 187, Sugar Run. Info: emheritage.org

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

Lake Winola Fire Company will have a Take-Out Only Fish Fry and/or Sausage & Peppers, two sides, a drink and dessert for $9.95 beginning at 2 p.m.

Mehoopany United Methodist Church has a Meatloaf dinner. It will be take-out/drive-thru between 4 and 6 p.m. in the church’s parking lot. Pre-sale tickets are $11 and you can call Penny Farr at 570-833-2859.

OCT. 12

Northmoreland Twp. Vol Fire Company has Monday Night Bingo at the fire hall. Early bird starts at 6:30 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. Everything same as before, but masks are required. Doors at 5 p.m. Info: Jim at 570-333-4906.

OCT. 16

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

OCT. 17

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

East Lemon United Methodist Church is having a Drive-thru Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner, starting at 2 p.m. until all gone. Donation welcome. Church is off Rt. 92, three miles north of Deer Park Lumber.

OCT. 17-18

Mehoopany United Methodist Church Sunday School is having an aluminum can drive. Donations greatly appreciated.

OCT. 23

Football Friday Pizza Sales at Factoryville Fire Company, 412 College Ave., Factoryville, starting at 4 p.m. Info: 570-945-5769.

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

OCT. 24

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

Virtual Open House at Keystone College, Factoryville, 10 a.m.-noon. Join the school live from the comfort of your home. Learn about academic programs, financial aid, the application process, and student life. Info: 570-945-8111 or email admissions@keystone.edu

OCT. 25

Salt Springs State Park offers an opportunity at 1 p.m. to explore one of the five fundamental elements of everything in the universe. Tami Noonan’s workshop will explore metal which is associated with autumn, the color white and dry weather. Relationships and interactions will be explored with hands-on experiences as well as reflection and discussion. Free will donation accepted. Follow Rt. 29 north of Montrose and turn at Franklin Forks. Info: 570-967-7275.

OCT. 26

Northmoreland Twp. Vol Fire Company has Monday Night Bingo at the fire hall. Early bird starts at 6:30 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. Everything same as before, but masks are required. Doors at 5 p.m. Info: Jim at 570-333-4906.

OCT. 28

Hunts for Healing meets at 7 p.m. at Ringneck Ridge, 3 Coburn Hill Rd., Laceyville. Info: 570-869-1233.

OCT. 30

Friday Night Bingo at Lake Carey Volunteer Fire Company with starting time 6:15 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Masks are required. Fire Company will be following CDC guidelines. Info: 570-836-2355.

OCT. 31

Tunkhannock Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Creekside Gardens, Hunter Highway, Eaton Township. Info: Amanda at 570-561-4093.

Credit: Source link