Wade in to beat the heat while fishing this summer | Outdoors


A couple of boxes or bags to carry some tackle can be slipped in pockets. Better yet, wear a fishing vest. Do not forget the pliers, nippers, hook sharpeners, leader material, and other gear needed for tackle and fish-handling. Better have a tape measure in one pocket, too.

Time and place

No doubt catching fish during the heat of summer is not as easy as it was in the spring. The fish are the same temperature as their environment. During the heat of summer their metabolism will be high, and that means they have to feed. They feed as much and maybe even more during the heat as at any other time of year. So, why are they harder to catch?

The bite gets tougher during the summer because the abundance of natural prey is at its peak. In some cases, there almost will be so much natural prey that all a fish has to do to feed is open its mouth.

Knowing that, there are strategies that still will catch fish. First, feeding activity can be intense, but likely brief. Identify areas most likely to attract actively feeding fish and be there at prime times, likely early and late in the day. Be ready to fish hard and efficiently at those times.

Fish tend to feed most selectively when prey is abundant. Try to match the size, shape, general color and behavior of the primary prey with your presentations. You will know when you get it right.

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