Video: Tying with Craft Fur, Part I


Here’s the latest video in our series called “One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Techniques,” from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions. Each video teaches a single tying skill, from the most basic to the advanced. Ultimately, the series will serve as a sort of encyclopedia of tying skills that will be a valuable resource for anyone who sits down at a vise to create a fly.

Many fly-tying recipes call for craft fur, which is sort of a generic term for synthetic fur. In this first part of a series on the material, Tim explains what craft fur really is and why the stuff from fly shops is superior to the products you find at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby. He also demonstrates how to cut, trim, and clean the craft fur.

Craft Fur designed for fly tying (left), has straighter, longer fibers than that from craft stores.

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