Video Pro Tip: How to Tie the Blood Knot


I’m going to state right off the bat that, when it comes to joining pieces of monofilament, I am a blood-knot guy. There are several reasons: It’s the knot I learned first, and I’ve tied it enough that I can tie a blood knot well every time (pretty quickly, I might add). Plus, it’s a beautiful knot—elegant and symmetrical. Not like that lumpy, off-kilter double surgeon’s. (Pshaw!)

However, it can be a tough knot to get comfortable with at first. Luckily, we have Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions to walk us through the process. As usual, his instructions are clear, and the quality of the video is unsurpassed. If you have to watch this a couple times of stop and start as you follow along, please do so. The blood knot is something that every angler should master.

Credit: Source link