Video: How to Tie the Superfine Sulphur Spinner


It’s sulphur season in much of the country, when these bright yellow mayflies emerge or return to the water at dusk. When there are tons of bugs on the water, trout have plenty of options to choose from, and they’re often more likely to eat something that won’t try to fly away–cripples and emergers. Of course, they will also eat the high-floating duns, so it pays to fish a pattern that mimics a variety of the insect’s life stages.

In this great video, Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions shows you how to tie this simple, elegant sulphur imitation that works as a cripple, a spent spinner, and perhaps even an emerger. They key is to keep everything slender and in-line. The swept-back wings present a profile that makes the bug look like an easy meal, and they probably also make the fly less likely to spin during casting.

          Superfine Sulphur Spinner
          Hook:  Your favorite dry-fly hook (here, a Fulling Mill 5050), size 14-16.
          Thread: Rusty Brown, 6/0 or 70-denier.
          Tails:  Wood-duck flank-feather fibers.
          Abdomen:  Pale yellow Superfine dubbing.
          Wing: White polypropylene floating yarn.
          Thorax:  Amber Superfine dubbing.
          Head: Tying thread.
          Adhesive: Head cement (here, Sally Hansen Hard-as-Nails).
          Tools: Fine-tipped bodkin, whip-finish tool.

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