Video: How to Tie the Puterbaugh Caddis Variant


Colorado’s Arkansas River is famous for its caddisfly hatches, and guide Don Puterbaugh worked with anglers on the Arkansas until he was 80 years old. (Read a cool profile of Don here.) He developed this high-floating imitation for the heavy riffles on the river, and it became his most popular fly. In this great video, Tim Flagler of  Tightline Productions shows you how to create a variation on Puterbaugh’s original. As always, he’s got some great tricks to make preparing and tying in the materials easier and more efficient.

          Puterbaugh Caddis Variant
          Hook:  Standard dry-fly hook (here, a Fulling Mill FM50), size 14.
          Thread: Tan, 6/0 or 70-denier.
          Underbody: Tan beaver-fur dubbing, fine.
          Body: Tan Fly Foam, 2mm.
          Wing:  Bleached deer hair, cleaned and stacked.
          Hackle:  Ginger grizzly.
          Head: Tying thread.
          Tools: Straight edge, hobby knife, scissors, small stacker, hackle pliers, and whip finish.

Credit: Source link