Video: How to Tie the October Caddis Soft Hackle


The October caddis (genus Dicosmoecus) is one of the great fall hatches across much of the country. And after you’ve been tossing size 22 Blue-Winged Olives, Pheasant Tail Nymphs, and such, it’s always great to tie on a bigger fly. The trout feel the same way, ready for something meatier after all the hors d’oeuvres they’ve been eating.

In this great video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks you through the steps to tie a great Soft Hackle pattern. This one is quite easy to tie, and as usual, Tim offers tips and tricks that will help you get all the materials right where they belong. Simple things like wetting the chickabou feather, counter-wrapping the rib, and creating a small anchor to tie in the hackle feather can be applied to many patterns.

          October Caddis Soft Hackle
          Hook: 3X-short dry-fly hook (here a Fulling Mill #35025), size 12.
          Thread: Rusty brown, 8/0 or 70-denier.
          Rib: Gold Ultra Wire, small.
          Tail/abdomen: Burnt Orange Brahma hen chickabou feather.
          Thorax: Rusty brown SLF Prism Dubbing.
          Hackle: Brahma hen.
          Adhesive: Head cement.
          Tools: Hackle pliers.

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