Video: How to Tie the Leisenring Spider


In the latest how-to video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler shows you how to tie an elegant wet fly originally created by Pennsylvania fly-fishing legend James Leisenring. As usual, Tim puts his own spin on the original creating an easy-to-tie, sparse, buggy fly that will look great in the water. In the process, Tim demonstrates several of his signature tying tricks for preparing a hackle, creating a dubbing cord, and finishing a fly.

          Leisenring Spider
          Hook: 3X-heavy black nickel nymph hook (here, a Fulling Mill 51 05), size 14.
          Thread: Yellow, 8/0 or 70-denier. 
          Rib:  Gold Ultra Wire, small.
          Body: Natural light hare’s mask dubbing.
          Hackle:  Hungarian partridge.
          Head coloring:  Brown Sharpie.
          Adhesive:  Head cement.
          Tools: Plunger-style hackle pliers, dubbing whirl, whip-finisher.

Credit: Source link