Video: How to Tie the Glitter Bug


A variation on the traditional Bomber, the Glitter Bug was first tied by Danny Bird of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, back in the 1990s. It’s a pattern that can be fished both dry and wet, which means it’s useful in a variety of conditions. And Newfoundland Atlantic salmon seem to love it.

In this great video from The New Fly Fisher and Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks you through the steps to create the pattern. I love the way that Tim is always using the most efficient–and simplest–methods for creating good-looking and durable patterns. Here, he shows you how to save materials, spin deer hair, and cross-wrap hackle, among other techniques.

Glitter Bug
Hook: Standard salmon hook, size 8.
Thread 1: White gel-spun thread.
Tail: White calf tail, stacked.
Flash: Pearl Krystal Flash.
Butt: Chartreuse or light green micro-chenille.
Body: Green deer belly hair.
Thread 2: Black gel-spun thread.
Hackle: Brown, undersize.
Head: Black gel-spun thread.
Adhesive: Head cement.

Credit: Source link