Video: How to Tie the Double Mop Fly


A Double Mop Fly superimposed over a natural cranefly larva.

Mention the Mop Fly in any group of fly fishers, and you’re sure to get a variety of reactions. Some folks scoff that it’s not a “true fly,” while others extol its virtues as a trout magnet. This isn’t a new phenomenon: these same discussions happened when beadhead nymphs, egg patterns, and Gummy Minnows appeared on the scene. In each case, the pattern’s effectiveness eventually won out.

In this week’s video, Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions makes a good case for how effective a Mop Fly is as an imitation of a cranefly larva, and he demonstrates how a Double Mop has great action in the water. The tying process is quite simple, but it’s vital that you leave room for both the hook gap and the hook eye. Your fly is no good if you struggle to tie it on or it won’t have good hook penetration. Tim recommends barbless hooks because trout often inhale these flies. Tim also offers a couple variations at the end of the video.

Double Mop Fly
Hook: Barbless Czech Nymph hook (here, as Fulling Mill 5065), size 12.
Thread: Gray-brown, 6/0 or 140-denier.
Weight: Lead-free round wire, .020
Adhesive: Superglue.
Body: 3 fibers from gray car-wash mitt.

Credit: Source link