For those times when you just can’t tell what the fish are feeding on, it’s good to have something small and buggy to tie on. This great Micro Caddis from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions is very easy to tie–using just two CDC feathers–and has proven itself on the water. In this week’s excellent video, Tim walks you through the process of attaching the two feathers, one wrapped and the other used for a wing. As always, watch these videos in 4K for maximum effect.
Hook: Standard dry-fly hook (here, a Dai-Riki #305), sizes 18-22.
Thread: Tan Veevus, 16/0.
Body: Wood duck, tan, light gray, or cream CDC feather.
Wing: Cahill cream CDC feather.
Tools: Hackle pliers, whip-finisher.
Credit: Source link