Video: How to Tie a Simple Isonychia Spinner


Isonychia mayflies are among the best late-season hatches in rivers around the country, but the spinnerfalls usually feature the largest concentration on insects and therefore the best fishing opportunities. In this week’s great how-to video, Tim Flagler of of Tightline Productions shows you how to tie a simple, effective Iso spinner that makes use of a new yarn product. By tying in loops of yarn, Tim makes the wings much easier to deal with throughout the process. His tailing technique is also ingenious.

          Isonychia Spinner
          Hook:  1X-long, wide-gap dry-fly hook (here, a Lightning Strike DF1), size 10.
          Thread: Yellow, 8/0 or 70-denier.
          Tails: Two gray paintbrush fibers or Microfibbets, stacked.
          Tail Separator:  Tying thread.
          Adhesive #1:  Head cement (here, Sally Hansen Hard-As-Nails).
          Egg mass:  Pale yellow beaver dubbing.
          Wings: White Ultra Dry Yarn.
          Body: Isonychia UV2 Fine & Dry dubbing.
          Head: Tying thread.
          Adhesive #2:  Head cement (here, Sally Hansen Hard-As-Nails).
          Tools: Whip-finish tool, bodkin.

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