Home Fly Fishing Updates made to the DEC on hemorrhagic disease to deer

Updates made to the DEC on hemorrhagic disease to deer


Bill Conners, Outdoors
Published 6:00 a.m. ET Sept. 19, 2020


It was just last week that I raised an alarm about Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) in our whitetail deer. At that time, it was “the other guy’s” problem because it had only been reported in counties to the south and west of us here in Dutchess. The situation has since changed.

This weekend I took a call from a hunter who informed me he was watching a deer that was drooling or foaming at the mouth and seemed very unconcerned about its surroundings. At that moment, it was standing in the middle on the road in front of his truck.

The Department of Environmental Conservation previously reported that several white-tailed deer in the villages of Nelsonville and Cold Spring in Putnam County, along with Goshen in Orange County, reportedly had EHD.

According to the DEC, the EHD virus was first confirmed in New York in 2007 in Albany, Rensselaer and Niagara counties. Rockland County had an outbreak in 2011 that killed about 100 deer.

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EHD outbreaks are most common in the late summer and early fall when midges are abundant. Symptoms include fever, hemorrhage in muscle or organs, swelling of the head, neck, tongue and lips. An infected deer may appear lame or dehydrated. Frequently, infected deer will seek out water sources and many succumb near a water source. There is no treatment for, nor any means to prevent the disease and the dead deer do not serve as a source of infection for other animals.

Hemorrhagic disease can cause very high mortality rates and is considered the most important viral disease of white-tailed deer in the United States. There is currently no treatment for hemorrhagic disease in wildlife populations. And, while characterized as infrequent in the North, outbreaks that do occur are known to be severe and capable of high mortality.

EHD is transmitted by biting flies or midges in the group called Culicoides (Ku/lick/oyed/eez). Midges are found near mud, which is their preferred breeding habitat. Outbreaks usually occur when deer congregate in wet areas at the driest part of late summer and early fall – when seasonal midge activity is also at its peak. They end when the first hard frosts take their toll on the midges and the virus dies with the insects.

The 2011-2015 Strategic Plan developed in conjunction with the DEC’s Wildlife Health Program reported that the Department would be developing disease‐specific prevention and response plans for such diseases as Tuberculosis, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease and botulism. A DEC spokesperson was not able to immediately provide information regarding any progress made in regard to any response plan for the threat posed by EHD.

Although there is no evidence that humans can contract the disease through midge bites or by consuming venison that has been infected with EHD, my personal advice is to pass up any opportunity to harvest and consume any animals showing signs of sickness.

During the next several weeks, if you are an early-season deer hunter, you will probably be going afield either to scout or to hunt when the archery season opens Oct. 1. Please contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to report sick or dead deer, particularly if there is more than one deer in an area or if carcasses are found near water. Visit the Cornell University EHD Alert page for more information at: https://cwhl.vet.cornell.edu/article/epizootic-hemorrhagic-disease-white-tailed-deer.

I can’t emphasize enough, the need to report to the DEC any deer you suspect may be sick, or to report carcasses you find. Contact your Regional Wildlife Office if you see any. Here in Region 3, you should call the Wildlife line in New Paltz at: 845-256-3098.

Catskill rivers fishing guide Rist to speak at Trout Unlimited meeting

Fall fishing on the Catskills rivers can be a magical time. As the water cools down and the leaves start changing color, the trout find renewed energy. A few hours during the Fall season on streams such as the Beaverkill or the East or West Branch Delaware can rejuvenate the most haggard soul.

For many years Joe Rist — Catskill Rivers bon vivant, fly-fishing guide and owner of Trout Town Flies in Roscoe — was a man of letters (he worked in some capacity for the U.S. Postal Service). Following his retirement, he was able to turn his attentions full-time to his first love, fly fishing.

Rist will enlighten Mid-Hudson Trout Unlimited members and their guests to the “Hidden Gems” of the Catskills, some of the lesser known, out-of-the-way small creeks that can pay big rewards for the adventurous angler. 

  • Meeting date: Sept. 21, and it will be open to the public
  • Time: 7 p.m.
  • Place: Under the pavilion at the American Legion Post 1302, Overlook Road, Poughkeepsie
  • Please note: Attendees will follow social distancing protocols, i.e. face covering, six-foot social distancing.      

Salmon River regulations

To increase the probability that sufficient numbers of salmon reach the Salmon River Hatchery to sustain the salmon stocking program, the DEC closed the Lower Fly Fishing Section of the river to fishing on Sept. 15. This section will remain closed until the DEC collects sufficient numbers of salmon eggs at the hatchery.

The closed section – the Lower Fly Fishing Section – is situated just below the hatchery and typically is where large numbers of salmon and anglers congregate. The DEC has said that reach of the river will remain closed until further notice. This action was taken because below-average precipitation has resulted in low and declining water levels in the Salmon River Reservoir. This may make it difficult for the salmon to reach the hatchery where the eggs are striped.

Anglers may not be able to access their usual haunts; plan your Fall fishing trips with that in mind.  

A map is available on the internet at: https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/administration_pdf/decsalmonriver.pdf

Bill Conners of the Federation of Fish and Game Clubs writes on outdoors issues. Email: conners@billconners.net

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