Upcoming fall festivals in Colorado: Oktoberfest, car shows and fall colors | Lifestyle


Fall colors, harvests and Oktoberfests fill the schedule for some of the last festivals of the year.

Denver Oktoberfest, Sept. 17-19 and 24-26, Ballpark Neighborhood

A 51-year tradition of Bavarian fun. German food and beer, stein hoisting, keg bowling, long-dog derby. Costumes everywhere. Live music.

Fridays, 5-11 p.m.; Saturdays, 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sundays, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.

Admission for full weekends, $45 or $65 with a stein, or single days $20-45: in advance thedenveroktoberfest.com

Longmont Oktoberfest, Sept. 25, Roosevelt Park

The traditional German celebration, the city’s ninth, is back and is a benefit for two nonprofits, A Woman’s Work and the Left Hand Brewing Foundation.

11 a.m.-9 p.m. Music includes bluegrass group Wood Belly and house band CSU’s Neue Polka. More than 10 breweries, distilleries and cideries. Food vendors. Sack races, costumes and stein-holding competition.

Entry $10 or special bundles including drink tokens $25 and $35. lhbfoundation.org/ longmont-oktoberfest

More Oktoberfests:

Brecktoberfest in Breckenridge is Sept. 24-26 on a more limited basis and expected to sell out, $50, gobreck.com/event/breckenridge-oktoberfest. OktoBREWfest in Greeley is in Lincoln Park Sept. 24-25 with music, brews and brats. mygreeley.com/events/oktobrewfest Steamboat OktoberWest, Sept. 18, boasts more than 30 regional craft breweries. steamboat oktoberwest.com

14erfest, Sept. 24-26, Buena Vista

Colorado Mountain Festival in Golden, also planned this same weekend, was just canceled until 2022, but this 14er trail festival is a go. Four-wheeling, hiking, mountain biking, running and fly fishing. Base camp is downtown Buena Vista. Live music nightly.Watch the website or Facebook for schedules or changes: 14erfest.org or facebook.com/14erFest

Cruisin’ the Canyon Fall Color Truck, Motorcycle & Car Show, Sept. 17-19, Creede

Show and Shine down main street Saturday, Steamroller Printmaking Event, Rod run and burgers. Sunday Airplane Fly-in and breakfast for Car Show participants, Mineral County Airport.


Vail Automotive Classic Sept. 17-19

Special cars and clubs from around the country and Canada in this three-day event. A Barrett-Jackson Mountain Road Tour, Vail to Steamboat Springs and back.

Saturday Cars & Coffee at the base of Vail Mountain’s Gondola 1.

Sunday Automotive Classic Concours and Show on the streets of Lionshead Village and the Vail Base area near the Eagle Bahn Gondola. Open to spectators. vailautomotive classic.com

Colorfest Weekend, Sept. 17-19, Pagosa Springs

A celebration of the fall aspen colors.

Passport to Pagosa Wine and Food Festival. Bands and Brews Festival.

Hot Air Balloon Night Glow and two-morning mass balloon ascension.

5K Color Run or Walk.


Telluride Autumn Classic, Sept. 23-26

A celebration of the spectacular gold colors of the mountain aspens combined with amazing cars and motorcycles.

Add to that classy aircraft, vintage and exotic vehicles. All in a town with major art and music.


NOTE: Check websites for late changes or cancellations because of COVID-19.

Linda Navarro, The Gazette

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