Trout Unlimited, Wildlife Discovery, Portage Lakes

The Daily Record

Portage Lakes improvements

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is offering the public an opportunity to learn about new shoreline projects and other plans for Portage Lakes State Park. The virtual Open House is scheduled on Feb. 10, 4-5 p.m.

ODNR staff will share the proposed shoreline management plan, including dock construction, dredging schedules, aquatic vegetation control, water draw down, and recent and future park improvements.

The open house also will allow participants to share questions and comments regarding the new plan. The public may call into the open house at 614-721-2972, conference ID 622 361 846. For those who cannot attend, ODNR will offer the recorded meeting for viewing on its YouTube channel.

For questions related to the open house, contact Park Manager Mike Studeny at 330-628-4720.

Wildlife Diversity Conference

The cardinal rule of nature dictates everything is connected. Discover this and other fun details at the 37th annual Ohio Wildlife Diversity Conference, hosted by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife. The 2021 conference will be held virtually Friday, March 5, 10 a.m.-noon.

The conference features three presenters who will be available for live question and answer sessions after each talk. The keynote speaker is Amanda Rodewald, Ph.D., a well-known researcher from Cornell University. Previously a professor at The Ohio State University, Rodewald has dedicated her career to ornithological research and will explore the road to recovery of North American birds. Guests also will discover the lesser known world of Ohio’s millipedes and land snails.

Participants will be able to log into the event beginning at 9:30 a.m. Zoom will be used. Participants are encouraged to sign up on the Zoom website before the event date and use the Zoom test site. A link to the conference will be provided at registration.

The 2021 Wildlife Diversity Conference is available free of charge. To register, visit Recordings of the presentations will be available after the conference on the ODNR YouTube Channel.

Trout Unlimited meeting

The Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited will have its next meeting Monday at 7:15 p.m. Due to the COVID pandemic and health concerns about group gatherings, CFRTU meetings through June will be held remotely using Zoom. To join the meeting, send an email message to Indicate participation in the Monday CFRTU meeting and include name and email address. A return email will include an “invitation” to the Zoom meeting that will include a link for the meeting.

Chapter members Skip Nault and Randy Rowe will discuss “Our Experiences Fly Fishing the Clear Fork River for trout.” Both of them have had many years experience fly fishing the Clear Fork River, both for brown and rainbow trout. They will discuss the history of the trout fishery in the Clear Fork River, areas open to fishing, fly patterns that work, and techniques that they have found successful. They will invite members of the audience to tell the group about their experiences on the Clear Fork.

Details of this and future meetings, plus other chapter activities and local fishing reports, can be found at Meetings of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited are open to the public and anyone interested in fishing and cold water fisheries preservation is encouraged to participate. Interested women fishers are especially invited.

Trap teams needed

The East Holmes Sportsman’s Association is looking for teams for its spring trap league starting March 24. The club is limiting it at 15 teams. Contact the club soon to reserve a spot.

This will be a 50-bird program for 10 weeks. Contact one of the following phone numbers for more information: 330-204-3684 or 330-231-9158.

The East Holmes Sportsman’s Association is located at 6781 Township Road 310, Millersburg.

Outdoor notes, email change

Any group, individual or organization wishing to announce events in the Outdoor Notes section should email them to Please put Outdoor Note in the subject line.

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