Trout Unlimited offers chance to support local cold water fisheries


Group improving health of the Cohocton River

Staff reports
 |  The Evening Tribune

The Canandaigua Lake Chapter of Trout Unlimited focuses on the preservation, protection and enhancement of local cold water fisheries. It has conducted many important environmental projects in western New York including removing debris from streams, planting thousands of trees and bushes, constructing habitat improvement projects, and stocking trout.

The planting of trees and bushes alongside local streams to provide shade and cool the water is particularly important because increasing water temperatures are adversely affecting the survivability and growth of trout, particularly the native Brook Trout which survive best when temperatures are about 65 degrees or lower. If these types of actions were not taken the area would probably lose its native Brook Trout from local streams in the not too distant future. Trout need clean, cold water to survive. 

Just recently the Chapter was awarded a $9,000 grant from the Trout Unlimited, Embrace A Stream Program, to complete a large habitat improvement project at the Cohocton River. Along with being awarded this grant the Chapter has earned the privilege of participating in the Embrace A Stream Challenge. Through this Challenge the Chapter has the opportunity to obtain further funds to support its future programs, while at the same time Trout Unlimited will gain additional funds to help sustain its nationwide efforts. The Chapter will receive half of every dollar received and could get additional funds  based on most money raised, most unique donors, and daily random prizes.  

The Challenge will run only from Nov. 2-8. If you would like to support your local cold water fisheries and the efforts of the Canandaigua Lake Chapter go to, between the 2nd and 8th of November, and where it says “Search (Chapter Name)” type in Canandaigua Lake. This will take you to the donor page.

“We would greatly appreciate any donation you would like  to make; the Canandaigua Lake Chapter works very hard to preserve, protect and enhance the invaluable cold water fisheries we have here in western New York,” said Conservation Chairman Al Kraus. “Please help us protect our superb local natural  resources for future generations.” 

If you have any questions about this Challenge feel free to contact Al Kraus at 

The Chapter also reaches out to the local community by teaching fly tying and fly fishing, and participating in the Healing Waters Program for disabled Veterans and Casting for Recovery Program which provides retreats for women with breast cancer and recovering from breast cancer. And the Chapter works to educate others on the need to be good stewards of the environment. 

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