Trout Unlimited meets Monday


Muzzleloader totals

Ohio’s whitetail deer hunters completed the 2021 muzzleloader season with 9,708 deer checked from Jan. 2-5, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Over the last three years, an average of 12,695 deer were taken during the same four-day period.

During the weeklong and extra weekend of deer-gun season, 86,853 deer were checked by Ohio hunters. In total, 102,672 deer were harvested with a gun, including muzzleloaders, during the 2020-2021 gun hunting seasons.

Over the last three years, hunters harvested an average of 90,722 deer during the three gun hunting seasons.

The total number of deer taken in Ohio during all 2020-2021 hunting seasons is 187,883, with one month remaining to hunt with archery equipment. That number has already surpassed last season’s final tally of 184,468.

Locally, muzzleloader harvest totals were down, with Ashland County hunters checking in 195 deer, down 32 from the county’s three-year black powder season totals. In Holmes County, the kill was 243, down from the 282 three-year average, while in Wayne County, hunters checked in 100 deer, off from the three-year average of 158.

Trout Unlimited meeting

The Clear Fork Chapter of Trout Unlimited will have its next meeting on Monday at 7:15 p.m. Due to the COVID pandemic and health concerns about group gatherings, all CFRTU public meetings through next June will be held remotely using Zoom. To join the meeting using a home computer, send an email to Indicate you wish to participate in the Jan 11 CFRTU meeting. Include name and email address. An official invitation to the Zoom meeting will be returned, and will include a link for the meeting.

There will be a discussion of chapter activities. The speaker will be Dave Radomski, whose topic will be “30 Years and Still Stumped – Attempts at Mastering the Brown Trout of the Upper Clear Fork River.” He lives in Butler, just minutes away from the stream, and has spent as many hours as permissible on the Clear Fork learning what works (and what doesn’t) for brown trout.

Radomski thinks that few things in life are more enjoyable than fly fishing for trout and doesn’t mind sharing his experiences with others. Though by no means considering himself an expert, he has paid his dues out there enough to be successful the vast majority of time. Radomski will discuss the best techniques he has found that work to fool those Clear Fork brown trout, including his favorite fly pattern.

Details of this and future meetings, plus other chapter activities and local fishing reports, can be found at All meetings of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited are open to the public and anyone interested in fishing and cold water fisheries preservation is encouraged to participate. Interested women fishers are especially invited.

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