Top 7 Fish to Catch in the USA


Due to its diverse geography, the United States is rich in hundreds of game fish species relating to the two types of fish, from freshwater crappie and panfish to marine speedsters like wahoo and tuna. In this article, we will tell you about the seven most popular game fish in the U.S. Since fish vary in size, feeding behavior, and habitats, we also touch on the fishing gear and catch methods each species requires.

Black Bass

When anglers say freshwater fishing in the U.S., they think bass. Bass is the most sought-after sportfish in North America for several reasons. Most importantly, you don’t need specialized bass fishing tackle or an immense amount of skill, making it one of the most beginner-friendly freshwater fish species. But while it’s easy to get into bass fishing, actually landing this aggressive predatory fish is one hell of a challenge.

The U.S. is home to several bass species falling into one of two categories – black basses (largemouth, smallmouth, spotted) and temperate basses (stripped, white, yellow).

Largemouth bass receives probably the most attention from anglers – just look at how many bass fishing tournaments are held annually. This species inhabits vegetated lakes, creeks, rivers, and ponds across the contiguous United States, except the central region.

While largemouth is considered a warm water species, it can tolerate a wide temperature range pretty well – temperatures between 50 to 85 ºF don’t affect its behavior. In most cases, largemouths stay shallow and don’t go deeper than 12-15 feet. However, depth adjustments should always be made considering the season, water purity, and depth of the water body. Experts recommend adding several feet of depth when fishing in winter or on a clear lake in hot weather.

The average weight for largemouth bass is between 1-5 pounds, but the world’s record bass was caught at 22 pounds.

To catch the best freshwater fish, you generally need a 6-7 foot long, fast action, medium power spinning or baitcasting rod.



Catfish is valued for its wide distribution, excellent fighting abilities, and relative simplicity to hook, and it is considered one of the best freshwater fish to eat. Like black basses, catfish is a great beginner fish, but you still need to know how and where to catch it.

In the United States, there are three primary species of this whiskered predator – blue, flathead, and channel catfish. All three are bottom dwellers, are found in lakes, reservoirs, and rivers, and can tolerate turbid water due to their developed senses of smell and taste.

Growing over 150 pounds, blue catfish presents the biggest fighting challenge and the greatest potential for a trophy catch. Most “blues” are found in the eastern, southeastern, and south-central regions – key locations are the Mississippi River, the Red River in Minnesota, and the Rio Grande river basin. Generally, it likes deep waters and flowing currents.

The best time to catch “blues” is late March through early May or February through March in Texas, but anglers see its action throughout the year.

Flatheads growing up to 100 pounds and channel cats, North America’s most numerous catfish, are also very popular with anglers.



Trout fishing presents a big draw for North American spin-casters and fly-fishers alike. It’s a small wonder since these gorgeous fish are incredibly fun to catch and taste very nice.

The U.S. hosts a dozen trout species, including native, invasive, and introduced. Rainbow trout is the most sought-after trout in North America, partially due to its remarkable appearance. Fun fact: once rainbow trout leaves freshwater streams after spawning and enters the ocean, it loses the light-pink stripe on the lateral side and becomes steelhead trout.

Though native to the North Pacific Coast and prefers colder water, rainbow trout has been introduced beyond this range and is stocked throughout the U.S. annually. Look for it in fast-moving rivers and gear up with a 7-foot-long ultralight, fast-action rod since most individuals weigh up to 8 pounds.

Other popular trout species include cutthroat trout found in abundance in the western half of the U.S., lake trout residing in the deep waters in the north, and brook trout native to the northeastern region.



Salmon, trout’s cousin, is a family of game fish most popular with fly fishermen, but you can also use a spinning rod and reel.

All North American salmon species fall under two groups. The Pacific Salmon includes Chinook, Sockeye, Coho, Pink, and Chum salmon, while the Atlantic Coast has only one species – Atlantic Salmon. All salmon are anadromous. They live in the ocean until they are ready to spawn and then migrate to rivers and streams.

Chinook salmon, also known as King salmon, is the largest species of all six, reaching 20-25 pounds on average. Though native to the deep Pacific waters, showing up all the way from northern Alaska to southern California, it can also be found in the Great Lakes, where it was introduced.

Red Drum

Red Drum

The red drum, also known as redfish, is one of the best saltwater fish renowned for its super-tasty meat and beautiful reddish-bronze skin. Found along the Gulf Coast, from Massachusetts to Florida to Texas, it thrives in shallow waters (1-4 feet deep) with all bottom types, preferring bays with submerged vegetation or soft mud and oyster reefs. Sometimes, they sail in water so shallow that their backs get exposed, and the so-called redfish tailing occurs as they feed. Still, you can also catch redfish in deeper coastal waters (up to 130 feet).

Redfish grow fast, usually reaching 6-8 pounds at the age of three. The record red drum weighed 94 pounds.

Though a 6-7 foot medium action spinning rod is a common tool, red drum fly fishing is increasingly popular. The species is also peculiar for its willingness to take both artificial and natural baits.



Crappie is another beginner-friendly fish. It’s easy to hook and small, but don’t expect it to give up easily – regardless of the size, crappie has a reputation for putting up a hard fight. It’s also one of the best-tasting freshwater fish.

There are two types of crappie: black and white. Both are found in warm, still freshwater lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and streams with abundant aquatic vegetation for schooling and sandy or muddy bottoms. In winter, crappies are very active and prefer to group around deep timber, and as spring increases, they move to shallow covers. The best time to catch these fish is early morning, when they start feeding, or evening. The native range extends from Virginia through Florida to Texas.

Crappie anglers usually use ultralight spinning rods, but the fly fishing technique is also popular.

Striped Bass

Striped bass

Unlike the mentioned black basses, the striped bass is generally a saltwater species found in coastal and estuarine areas along the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. However, being anadromous, like salmon and trout, it spawns in freshwater, in water bodies like Lake Texoma, Colorado River, Lake Powell, Arkansas River, and others. Generally, they prefer rocky-bottomed, clear, warm (around 70ºF/21ºC), and deep impoundments.

Stripers live in small groups until their third year. When they become big and more mature, they swim alone or with a partner and form schools only during migration.

The night is considered the best time to catch striped bass, especially in the estuarine area, when sea worms come out. During the day, stripers spend time at the bottom, avoiding strong sunlight.

Since this fish can grow big and heavy, you need a heavy-duty trolling, surf-casting, or bait-casting rod, depending on your angling method.

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