Throwing flies on a small stream in Clearfield County | News


It’s a quiet and overcast Saturday morning and I’m looking forward to meeting up with my friend Bob Hallowell to get a few hours of fly fishing on the books. Last night I texted him asking how the fishing was in the Quehanna Wild area streams we fished together last year, and he suggested going out together and fishing a small stream close to home this morning.

The creek is classic PA small stream fishing, and it’s really pretty. The banks are lush and thick with stream vegetation and the canopy overhead can be a bit tight. Perfect for a Hallowell 4 weight, 7’-3” bamboo fly rod, hand-crafted a few miles from this stream in Bob’s custom rod-making shop. Bob knows this stream better than anyone, and he’s a true “headhunter” when it comes to fishing any stream. He’s also a really good caster so he doesn’t waste time and effort once he starts throwing flies. Stick and move he calls it.

Ray Hunt is an avid outdoor enthusiast who enjoys fly fishing, kayaking, mountain biking and hiking in the PA Wilds. He is a member of the PA Outdoor Writers Association (POWA), PA Wildlife Habitat Unlimited (PWHU), Trout Unlimited (TU), and can be reached at

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