The thrill of catching sea-run brook trout highlighted a childhood of spring fishing on MDI


Leighton Wass grew up in Southwest Harbor and graduated from Norwich University with a B.S. in science education. He taught high school biology in Vermont for 33 years and also is a freelance writer. At 80, he continues to use the outdoors as his playground. Wass lives in Adamant, Vermont, with his wife Jane and two Labradors. He has a book coming out this spring, “Fly Fishing The Hex Hatch,” published by North Country Press.

Growing up as a youngster who loved to fish in the 1950s, the area surrounding Southwest Harbor on Mount Desert Island provided a candy store full of opportunities.

Long Pond offered salmon, brook trout and smallmouth bass while Echo Lake supplied brook trout, bass and white perch. But the magnetic attraction to me was the multitude of small brooks with beaver flowages that harbored brookies, and a lot of them.

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