The Third Degree: When Eagles Fly


Welcome to the Third Degree: tough, brief, weekly interrogations that force thinking and response. With reliance upon and respect for your instincts, knowledge, exploration and determinations, this week, we target: Sightings.

Are we fortunate, even blessed, that Franklin’s obsession with turkeys was overcome by eagles with sightings and emulation spurred through our many years?

Is there anything more regal, or more reassuring of our own efforts, than to sight, on the rivers of our land, an eagle ‘fishing’ and scooping up in sure talons a fish nest bound for mate and eaglets?

Do the sightings serve as emblematic top cover for our country?

Are eagles intimidated by sighting would be or real  raptors of various kinds who would scourge our skies and future?

Is there a domain of excellence and beauty that only the eagles of our own nature can sight and summon to ward off the challenges of lesser sorts who thrive on created carrion and squawks of inadequacy and intolerance?

Do eagles ride the wind and see with sighting undiminished a future of great potential, wonder and nature unfolding?

What forces can force a halting of majestic flight and sightings urging on the generations?

Will the faith of flight and fathers gone before sustain the sightings that inspire and move us to greater heights?

Will the eagle in us remain free and impel us ever onward and upward responding to those who would tether, hood and hinder this nation and people?   

Are we indebted to WW2, fighter pilot John Gillespie Magee Jr. whom we adapt:  “Up, up the long delirious burning blue, we top the wind-swept heights with easy grace where never larks but only eagles flew, and while with silent, lifting mind we trod the high, untrespassed sanctity of space put out our hands and touch the face of God?”

Sightings, do we find such place, such space, in our America if only we look and touch?

Socrates reminds: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  The examinations will continue in the Third Degree.  The answers and the actions are yours.

John Borling, Major General, USAF-ret, is a highly decorated fighter pilot who served worldwide in high level command and staff positions.  He was a POW in North Vietnam for over six and one-half years.  Now, an author, speaker, civic and business leader, he is the founder of Service over Self America. (See

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