The lucre of outdoor writing: Game Trail Tioga by Chris Espenshade | Columns


The Wednesday mail brought me both “Ducks Unlimited Magazine” and “Trout,” the flagship publication of Trout Unlimited. This got me to thinking.

To some, outdoor writing must seem a scam (as Dire Straits would say, “That ain’t workin’, that’s the way you do it, Lemme tell ya, them guys ain’t dumb”). I mean, imagine actually getting paid to write about hunting, fishing and nature.

Well, I hate to ruin anybody’s fantasy, but there are not too many people making any significant money from outdoor writing. I get $15 a month to write this column, and once or twice a year I might get $95 for an article in Mountain Home.

Against that income side of the ledger, I have to balance hunting and fishing licenses, and my media license to take photos at the Susquehanna Trail Performance Rally. There are also membership fees in a number of worthy conservation organizations, including the National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited and Trout Unlimited. Also, I am a proud member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

These organizations are similar in their efforts to preserve or restore habitat for their target species. So, Trout Unlimited does not directly sponsor the stocking of trout, but rather raises money for the long-term improvement of our waterways. Yes, trout benefit from these efforts, but so do a wide variety of other species.

Now, membership fees alone never provide enough capital to pursue the many projects sponsored by local chapters and the national organization. Instead, chapters partake of fundraisers. Both Ducks Unlimited and the National Wild Turkey Federation rely heavily upon banquets, raffles and auctions, commonly featuring donated equipment and firearms. These are usually great social events, often scheduled to get members excited for the upcoming season.

Along these same lines, our local chapter of Trout Unlimited, the Tiadaghton Chapter, has their annual fundraiser upcoming on Saturday, March 26, at the Deane Center in Wellsboro. The event is the presentation of the International Fly Fishing Film Festival.

Considered the “world’s leading fly fishing event,” the IFFFF shows award-winning films centered on fly fishing world-wide for a variety of species. The doors open at 4 p.m., allowing time to peruse vendor tables and conservation information. There will be bucket raffles for gear, door prizes for 50 attendees, free swag, hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. At 6, the films begin.

Tickets can be purchased at the door for $40, and children under 12 are free. Above and beyond supporting a great organization, the IFFFF films feature fantastic fishing (I think that is enough Fs), beautiful scenery and a strong conservation ethic. The event also provides the opportunity to immerse yourself in local fly-fishing scene and to build excitement towards opening day a week later. I attended the 2020 event, and I strongly encourage you to add this to your calendar.

Please do not get me wrong. I greatly enjoy my side gig as an outdoor writer. It is just that I am not doing it for the money (or the groupies). And to my editor, this is not some convoluted, passive-aggressive plea for a raise.

An archaeologist, Chris Espenshade grew up hunting, fishing, and trapping in rural North Carolina. A resident of Wellsboro, he is a member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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