Stanley Hotel offers elegance — and a haunting story |


Service was good and our meals, including my fresh trout with fresh vegetables, were delicious.

The hotel is within blocks of downtown Estes Park, where we spent a wonderful afternoon shopping and checking out the many quaint shops and restaurants.

I also checked out the Estes Park Visitor Center, in the downtown, which is open year-round and which offers information about lodging, dining and activities.

My husband and I learned autumn is a wonderful time to visit Estes Park. That’s because lodging rates definitely start to drop and visitors can typically find the best prices starting in November, Estes Park tourism spokeswoman Ashley Cox said.

“October is one of the best times to view wildlife in Estes Park, especially since it’s rutting season for elk. In fact, the town has dubbed the entire month, “Elktober,” Cox said.

In addition to the elk rutting season, there’s plenty of other reasons for traveling to the Estes Park area in the fall including horseback riding, rafting, mountain biking and just taking a scenic drive through Rocky Mountain National Park.

We spent most of a day driving and even stopping to do a little hiking through the park which is just a short drive from Estes Park.

Make sure you have a tank full of gas because the roads are narrow and winding and there is no place within the park to fill up your tank. Wear comfortable shoes and layered clothing for even short hikes with the knowledge that in the mountains the temperature can quickly drop. And drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

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