Sierra Central Credit Union CEO John Cassidy retires


John Cassidy, the longtime CEO of Sierra Central Credit Union, has announced that he will retire January 15, 2022, ending his 22-year career as CEO of Sierra Central Credit Union.

Cassidy was appointed CEO in 2000, which he said was a “remarkable opportunity to lead a team of outstanding employees who grew assets, members and employees from 17 to 20 main-street branches, which serve Northern California. Sierra Central, based in Yuba City, California has assets of $1.4 billion and since 2000 has funded over $4 billion in loans for credit union members. Cassidy added, “most folks who are lucky enough to become CEO of an organization are only successful as a result of the efforts of committed, caring and effective employees.” He is proud to have worked for an outstanding Board of Directors and alongside a collaborative team of professionals who provide excellent customer experiences and financial expertise.

After being hired, Cassidy was told by the Board of Directors to establish the Sierra Central brand as the premier local banking institution of choice throughout Northern California. At that time, the Board was concerned that with so many local and regional banks being merged out of business, local communities would suffer significantly. With this expectation, Cassidy built a team of responsive executives and employees and transitioned a struggling financial institution into a recognizable, sustainable and powerful brand. “I am extremely proud that Sierra Central has become a dynamic presence in the North State, as well as a highly respected corporate citizen.”

Cassidy, who turns 62 this month, will continue to work on charitable causes throughout the state, as well as regional economic development efforts that improve the quality of life for individuals, families and businesses throughout Northern California. “I started working as an eight-year-old delivering newspapers in San Francisco, so I am ready to finally slow down a bit to spend quality time with our two grandchildren, travel with my wife and work on my golf game as well as my fly-fishing skills.”

The credit union’s Board of Directors have appointed Sierra Central president Ron Sweeney, as Cassidy’s successor. Cassidy and Sweeney have worked together to grow the cooperative’s assets into the billions over the past 20-years. Cassidy went on to say, “it is unique for a CEO to last 22-years in any industry, but my leadership team, which was led by our President Ron Sweeney, has always gone above and beyond to find ways to bring the best products, services, technology and customer experiences to our over 70,000 credit union owner-members; Ron’s 37-years of experience in the credit union industry will provide Sierra Central with top-shelf expertise and leadership. I am excited for his new adventure and have the utmost confidence that he will continue to grow this company with great success.”


John Cassidy

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