Rochester’s New Consignment Store is a Dream for Outdoor Lovers


If you love the outdoors and exploring everything that our great state of Minnesota has to offer, you are going to be thrilled about the brand new shop opening up in Rochester!  Signs are already up for Janky Gear at their location on Broadway and the new place is planning to open its doors in late September or early October.

Everything you need to know about Janky Gear in Rochester, Minnesota

James Rabe tipped me on this new spot in town and we did some joint research to find out everything possible about this new store.  Here’s what we know:

  • What will the store be selling? According to the owner, Paige Jehnke, Janky Gear is a sophisticated consignment shop for the “janky” outdoors person. Their mission is to get people outside, promote reuse culture and to support our local community. You’ll be able to find lots of outdoor gear to purchase for your next adventure.
  • If you’ve got outdoor gear, bring it in to sell!  Since Janky Gear is a consignment shop, you can bring in the items you no longer want and make some money.
  • Where is Janky Gear located?  You’ll find Janky Gear in the strip mall on Broadway where Hollandberry Pannekoeken is also located.  (Check the photos below to see how this area has changed a TON over the last few years!)

How did the idea of Janky Gear get started?

Paige, the owner, dove right in when I asked her to share a bit with me about her new business and I am so glad that she did because I feel like I just traveled the world as I read her story.

Cara Carisch- Cheeky Monkey Studios

For years, Paige has been working on ships all over the world as a marine engineer.  She’s been traveling and has seen some truly amazing places but she keeps coming back to the state of Minnesota and actually moved back to Rochester just a few years ago.

As she was quarantining in Tokyo last year, she developed her business plan for Janky Gear.  And while she was on a ship in the South China Sea, she learned everything possible about small business and then put her notice in at work because it was time to make this dream of Janky Gear come true.

I think that Rochester is about to get a little more “janky” and that’s a good thing.  – Paige Jehnke, owner of Janky Gear

Cara Carisch- Cheeky Monkey Studios

Q&A with Janky Gear owner, Paige Jehnke

  • Q.  Where did you grow up?
  • A.  I grew up in Rochester. I graduated from Mayo, but I am most proud to say I was a Folwell Falcon. I still know our school song!
  • Q. You can’t wake up without having/drinking ______.
  • A.  Coffee..and a magnificent muffin from Pannekoeken. Janky Gear will be located a couple doors down from Hollandberry Pannekoeken!
  • Q.  My favorite mid-west spot to be outdoors in is _____.
  • A.  Porcupine Mountains State Park in Upper Peninsula Michigan. Great backpacking and fly fishing.
  • Q.  If I have time to binge-watch a show, my guilty pleasure is _____.
  • A.  Parks and Rec. I hope to be a boss like Ron Swanson.
  • Q.  What is the best snack and why is it Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups?
  • A.  Haha. I love RPBCs I never feel guilty eating them because they have peanut butter…so it’s healthy.
  • Q.  Life tip
  • A.  I always keep a corkscrew and a deck of cards in toiletry travel kit.
  • Q.  What are three songs from your motivational playlist?
  • A.  The Dock of the Bay- Otis Redding, The Gambler- Kenny Rogers, Formation- Beyonce
  • Q.  Who was your favorite high school teacher and why
  • A.  Oh man, Mr. Lunde at Mayo High School. I actually just ran into him while I was substitute teaching. He hasn’t changed.  I also want to say that Mayo Girls Golf Coach, Coach Myro is awesome.

If you had all the cash in the world, what would you put in the old Chuck E. Cheese location?

I absolutely love this new store concept, especially since it is filling up a space that was sitting empty for a bit.  Now, let’s fill another empty store in Rochester – Chuck E. Cheese!  There are a few amazing ideas that were sent to me that you can browse below but if you’ve got another great idea for that space, let me know over on my Facebook Page – Jessica On The Radio, or via e-mail at

11 amazing ideas for what should go in the old Chuck E. Cheese store in Rochester

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