Pro Tips: Alvin’s Top 5 Flies for Redfish


Alvin Dedeaux of All Water Guides is back with another “top 5 Flies” video, this time about chasing redfish. Alvin guides along the Texas coast for these great game fish, so he knows what they like to eat. So watch the video above, and then click on the links below to learn how to tie each of the patterns he describes. (All the links go to Alvin’s own tying tutorials, so you know you’re doing things right.)

Alvin’s Picks

  1. Clouser Minnow (especially chartreuse and white)
  2. Seaducer
  3. Shrimp Imitation
  4. Crab Imitation
  5. Dedeaux Popper (tied on a saltwater hook) or Gartside Gurgler

Credit: Source link