Polaris Experience Center to mark 20th anniversary Dec. 11


To get an event in the Outdoors calendar, contact Brad Dokken at (701) 780-1148, (800) 477-6572 ext. 1148 or by email at bdokken@gfherald.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays.


  • Dec. 10-12: Fargo Ice Fishing Show, Scheels Arena, 5225 31st Ave. S., Fargo. Show hours 1 to 8 p.m. Dec. 10, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 11 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 12. Info: fargoicefishingshow.com.


  • Dec. 11: David Johnson Vintage Sno-Cat Spectacular, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Roseau Event Center, state Highway 11, Roseau, Minnesota. Held in conjunction with 20th anniversary of Roseau Polaris Experience Center. Info: (218) 244-8092; rcrowe@wiktel.com.

  • Dec. 11: 20th anniversary of Polaris Experience Center celebration, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Polaris Experience Center, 205 Fifth Ave. SW, Roseau, Minnesota. Museum will be open throughout the day, and refreshments and prize drawings will be offered. New Polaris products also will be on display.

  • Dec. 17: Christmas Bird Count, Rydell and Glacial Ridge national wildlife refuges. Similar to last year, participants will count independently instead of pairing with refuge staff and volunteers because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This will be the 7th annual count for the two refuges. Info/RSVP: Gregg Knutsen, refuge manager, (218) 686-4329 or gregg_knutsen@fws.gov.

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N.D. Game and Fish Advisory Board

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department is wrapping up its fall series of Advisory Board meetings, which it is mandated to host every spring and fall in each of the state’s eight Advisory Board districts. Remaining meetings are as follows:

  • Dec. 6: District 7 (Burleigh, Emmons, Grant, Kidder, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, Sheridan and Sioux counties), 7 p.m., Game and Fish Department headquarters, 100 N. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck. Bismarck Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is host. Info: Chad Maier, (701) 315-0160; Advisory board member is Dave Nehring, Bismarck.

  • Dec. 7: District 8 (Adams, Billings, Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Hettinger, Slope and Stark counties), 7 p.m., Fire Hall, 13910 64th St. SW, Amidon. Little Missouri Grazing Association is host. Info: Larry Lamborn, (701) 879-6313; Advisory Board member is Rob Brooks, Rhame.


  • Jan. 1: Red River Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever 15-gun raffle, 5 to 8 p.m., Charlie Browns, 414 Gateway Drive, Grand Forks. Tickets $50; need not be present to win. Info: Chapter Facebook page, (218) 230-4364 or bmnelson6js@aol.com.

  • Jan. 1: Red River Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever Browning 13-gun raffle, 5 to 8 p.m., Charlie Browns, 414 Gateway Drive, Grand Forks. Tickets $50; need not be present to win. Info: Chapter Facebook page, (218) 230-4364 or bmnelson6js@aol.com.

DNR webinars

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is continuing its series of hunting, fishing and outdoor learning webinars through late February. The webinars, which are free, begin at noon Wednesdays, and pre-registration is required at mndnr.gov. Webinars also are recorded and available online. Upcoming webinars are as follows:

  • Dec. 8: Ice safety for outdoors sports, including skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing and snowmobiling.
  • Dec. 15: Fly tying, about the basics of fly tying, the equipment needed and how to tie a simple fly.
  • Dec. 22: Learning to hunt as an adult, for any adult interested in hunting, but unsure where to start, and resources for new adult hunters and tips and tricks for getting out into the woods and fields.
  • Dec. 29: Introduction to trapping furbearers, about what it takes to get started in trapping and some tips and tricks to be more successful.
  • Jan. 5: High school clay target program, about the Minnesota Clay Target Program, including how to register a school program and details on competitions.
  • Jan. 12: Ice angling for panfish, about tips and techniques for catching sunfish, crappie and perch on the ice.
  • Jan. 19: Darkhouse spearing, about the thrill of spearing northern pike through a hole in the ice.
  • Jan. 26: Winter squirrel hunting, about what to consider when hunting squirrels in winter, including tactics, strategies, gear and ways to prepare squirrels for the table.
  • Feb. 9: Introduction to winter camping, about some of the equipment needed, tips and tricks to help campers enjoy the adventure and a few reasons why winter might be the best time to go camping.
  • Feb. 16: Introduction to maple syruping, about tips on collecting sap, boiling the sap and bottling the results.
  • Feb. 23: Archery bowhunting basics, about selecting a hunting compound bow and the bow accessories needed to hunt effectively; a great program for those ready to transition from target archery to archery hunting.


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