Podcast: Trophy Largemouth Bass on the Fly, with Jay Alylward


(the interview starts at 51:05)

This week, I interview Orvis-endorsed guide Jay Aylward, a largemouth-bass-on-the-fly fanatic, about how to find and catch these great warmwater game fish.  Jay is especially interested in trophy bass, and he has plenty of great tips and tactics for landing big bucketmouths.

In the Fly Box, I get some great tips from listeners and also some interesting questions, including:

  • Fly pattern suggestions for a road trip across Colorado.
  • What are your top 10 trout flies I should tie?
  • How does water fluctuation below a dam affect trout behavior?
  • I can’t catch trout on anything but worm flies and Woollys in my local river.  Why can’t I catch them on standard nymphs?
  • How do I sort through the creek chubs to catch the nice brook trout below them?
  • Can I cut my poly leader back to make it shorter?
  • What line do I need to put on my 10-foot 8-weight single-hand rod if I want to try some two-handed casts?
  • Why did a fly shop put a 6-foot leader on my outfit when I bought it?
  • A listener offers more suggestions on why you should tie your own leaders.
  • Another suggestion on how to record small streams you fish–the Basemap app.
  • What is an affordable, dependable Orvis rod?
  • Why can’t I catch the carp in my local pond?  Do you have any suggestions?

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