Podcast: Saving Rivers, with Sue Doroffof Western Rivers Conservancy


[Interview begins at 48:56]

This week’s podcast is a recording of a live interview I did with Sue Doroff, co-founder and outgoing president of Western Rivers Conservancy, which does amazing work throughout the West by buying valuable riparian land, making the surrounding habitat more natural and resilient, and enhancing public access to many of our important trout, salmon, and steelhead rivers. You’ll learn about how Western Rivers finds these areas, the financial model for how they do this, and how most are eventually transferred into public ownership.  It’s fascinating story of how a small organization punches well above its weight.

In the Fly Box, we have lots of questions and valuable tips from listeners, including:

  • How to use forceps to smooth down weighting wire.
  • How to easily reverse your tying thread using a dubbing needle.
  • How do I get deer hair to behave?
  • Any tips for attaching eyes to Game Changers?
  • Why can I catch trout from tiny streams on dry flies but not on nymphs?
  • Advice on the differences between Helios and Recon rods.
  • How do I get into commercial fly tying?
  • How far do stocked trout travel?
  • Can I catch a carp on my 8½ foot, 5-weight rod?
  • Can I use split shot with streamers?
  • Advice on a fiberglass rod for bass and panfish.
  • Do I need to adjust water type or tactics for browns vs. rainbows?
  • A great tip from a listener on how to avoid losing beads and hooks under your tying table.
  • What should a non-angler do when going fishing with a fly fisher?
  • How can I prevent losing fish on size 24 flies?  Should I keep the barbs on?
  • Does how you tie a clinch knot have any bearing on how it rides in the water?
  • A listener suggestion for another great writer of fly-fishing essays.

Credit: Source link