[Interview starts at 38:40.]
My guest this week is Rachel Leinweber, general manager of Angler’s Covey fly shop in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She also guides on the South Platte River and serves on the board of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA). Rachael has some great winter fly-fishing tips for us, and it’s been interesting during this series of podcasts to see how each guide we’ve talked to has a slightly different take on effective winter tactics.
In the Fly Box, we have the following questions and tips:
- Is there an easier way to balance a fly rod than buying a heavier reel?
- How can I get my parents to approve of my fly-fishing passion?
- When fishing large streams and making casts too long for a roll cast, how do you get your fly out without catching trees and bushes?
- Do ducks and muskrats and beavers spook trout?
- Will the techniques I have learned on my local tailwaters in Utah translate to freestone (non-tailwater) rivers in Wyoming?
- Can I use BigEye dry flies as sliding indicators on a dry-dropper rig?
- How can I tell a wild from a hatchery fish?
- Why did trout take my indicator and ignore my nymphs?
- A tip that sometimes catching a trout from a pool does not spook the rest of them.
- Why don’t manufacturers put handles on both sides of a fly reel?

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