Outdoor notes: Trout Unlimited, Sportsman Show

The Daily Record

Trout Unlimited meeting

The Clear Fork Chapter of Trout Unlimited will have its next meeting Monday, Jan. 11, at 7:15 p.m. Due to the COVID pandemic and health concerns about group gatherings, CFRTU meetings through June will be held remotely using Zoom. To join the meeting using a computer, email cfrtu.rsvp@gmail.com. Indicate a wish to participate in the Jan 11 meeting and include name and email address. An invitation to the Zoom meeting will be emailed back, and  will include a link.

At the meeting there will be a discussion of chapter activities. The speaker will be Dave Radomski, whose topic will be “30 Years and Still Stumped – Attempts at Mastering the Brown Trout of the Upper Clear Fork River.” He lives in Butler, just minutes away from the stream, and has spent as many hours as permissible on the Clear Fork learning what works (and what doesn’t) for brown trout.

Radomski thinks few things in life are more enjoyable than fly fishing for trout. Though by no means considering himself an expert, he has paid his dues out there enough to be successful the vast majority of time. Radomski will discuss the best techniques he has found that work to fool those Clear Fork brown trout, including his favorite fly pattern.

Details of this and future meetings, plus other chapter activities and local fishing reports, can be found on our chapter website at cfrtu.org. All meetings of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited are open to the public and anyone interested in fishing and cold water fisheries preservation is encouraged to participate. Interested women fishers are especially invited.

Sportsman Show

The Northeast Ohio Sportsman Show is still scheduled to be held this winter. The show, at the Mount Hope Event Center, will open Thursday, Jan. 14, at 2 p.m. and run through 9 p.m. It continues Friday, Jan. 15, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., and Saturday, Jan. 16, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Admission is $10. This year all those attending will be asked to wear a mask and have their temperatures scanned at the door. Look for more information on the show in next Monday’s outdoor story.

Outdoor notes, email change

Any group, individual or organization wishing to announce events in the Outdoor Notes section should email them to letsplabal@yahoo.com. Please put Outdoor Note in the subject line.

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