My misadventures ice fishing on Jordan Pond include getting a lure stuck in my nose


Leighton Wass grew up in Southwest Harbor and graduated from Norwich University with a B.S. in science education. He taught high school biology in Vermont for 33 years and also is a freelance writer. At 79, he continues to use the outdoors as his playground. Wass lives in Adamant, Vermont, with his wife Jane and two Labradors. He has a book coming out this spring, “Fly Fishing The Hex Hatch,” published by North Country Press.

I’ve read article after article that says ice fishing is a pretty simple sport. You drill a hole through the ice, bait your line with anything from a worm, to a smelt, or a piece of chicken attached to some kind of trap, tilt, or jig stick … and wait. Almost sounds like a tad humdrum doesn’t it? Or as the Brits might say, a bit stodgy.

I’m here to tell you that life on the ice is anything but mundane.

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