Montrose prepares to get FUNC-y | Local News Stories


FUNC Fest will look a little different when it returns this year, as it will focus more on community involvement for the annual event promoting the Montrose Water Sports Park and Uncompahgre River.

The festival’s name derives from the words ‘Fun on the UNCompahgre’ and was conceived by the city six years ago as a way for the community to come together for some summer fun.

The usual two-day event has been shortened to one day — June 12 — this year, but that’s not the only thing that will look different.

“This year we’re encouraging the community to be on the river, which is very different from years past where they had to stay on dry land,” said Ashley Pietak, the guest services and community events coordinator for the city’s Office of Business and Tourism. “Previously, the water sports park was primarily for the competitions. This year we’re really excited to let the community experience that.”

The city decided to do away with the annual river competitions as staff continue to be “cognizant” of the ever changing COVID-19 restrictions, said Pietak.

Competitions like stand up paddle boarding and kayaking won’t be on the FUNC Fest agenda, but Pietak said this is a temporary change. The city expects to return to its traditional festival activities next year.

Although the festival may operate differently this year, there are a wide range of activities for the Montrose community to enjoy, said Pietak.

Vendors and activities will include: nonprofits; a local photo booth; the usual merchant sale booths that the community is accustomed to; a kids zone area that the Montrose Recreation District is organizing with bounce houses; Montrose Surf and Cycle and fly fishing vendors will perform demos and activities on the river for community members; and the ducky derby will return by the creek near the playground area.

“We’re really happy ー we’ve had more vendors sign up than ever before due to the waived registration fees for vendors, so it’s free to be a booth vendor, which is different from years past,” said Pietak, adding that so far more than 30 vendors have sent in applications.

Local bands Brown Family Band, The Last Spike, Dave’s Fault and Neon Sky will be performing throughout the day from 12-10 p.m. The Montrose community can enjoy the live music, food trucks and the annual wine and beer garden during the festival.

The Montrose Recreation District and the City of Montrose will be accepting a 2021 Starburst Award from the Colorado Lottery for the completion of the Connecting the People to Their Parks and Recreation “Connect Trail” project at 4:30 p.m.

The trail, which officially opened last year, extended the existing Uncompahgre River Trail by 2.25 miles, including 1.5 miles to the north and 0.75 miles to the south, “connecting” more people to parks and amenities in a manner that is safer for pedestrians and bicyclists.

With Lottery funding and through a Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant, the expenses for the $4.28 million project were cut in half with the $2 million grant.

“We’re very excited for the recognition,” said Public Works Manager Scott Murphy. “That project was a game changer for the community and GOCO recognized that.

Murphy added that the trail usage was higher than anticipated.

“FUNC Fest helps us celebrate the river, and the trail does the same thing, so it’s a logical fit to put those together as we celebrate all of Montrose,” said Murphy.

The city also applied for a special events permit to sell and serve alcohol during the event in Riverbottom Park.

According to the application, Apollo Road will be closed for the duration of the event to allow for emergency and vendor exits.

FUNC Fest will take place on Saturday June 12 in Riverbottom Park from 12-10 p.m.

Cassie Knust is a staff writer for the Montrose Daily Press.

Cassie Knust is a staff writer for the Montrose Daily Press.

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