#MomentofChill 11.17.20: Cutthroat Rises – Orvis News


Today’s #momentofchill is from Todd Moen, of CATCH Magazine, featuring legendary photographer and angler Brian O’Keefe casting in Alaska as a new friend munches nearby.

When most people think of fly fishing, they envision casting dry flies to trout feeding on the surface. But the truth is that trout eat below the surface 90 percent of the time, which is why anglers love to see scenes like this one. These cutthroat trout are making slashing rises, which suggests that they are feeding on caddisflies. Because these moth-like aquatic insects fly away quite soon after appearing on the surface, the trout rush to eat them. Mayflies, on the other hand, must ride the current until their wings dry out, so trout eating mayflies can be more lackadaisical.

If you’re having a rough day and feel the need for more chill, visit the Moment of Chill homepage.

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