Master Class Monday: How to Fish Deep Nymphs


This week for “Master Class Monday”—our new feature about taking your fly fishing skills to the next level—we take another look at the topic of dry/dropper rigs. This video, by Dave and Amelia Jensen of Jensen Fly Fishing, is all about fishing deep droppers, using either the New Zealand Strike Indicator or a high-floating dry fly. These methods of tracking your drift and detecting strikes are more subtle than large plastic bobbers, and the Jensens show you how it is still possible to fish a nymph in deep water without resorting to an indicator the size of a ping-pong ball.

Watch for further installments of Master Class Monday every week here at Orvis News, in the Advanced Tactics playlist our You Tube Channel, and on the new Advanced section (coming soon) of our Orvis Fly Fishing Learning Center.

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