Maryland Fishing Report for September 25, 2020


Welcome to the first week of fall! The cooler transitional days ahead are a delight for anyone who loves the outdoors. The leaves are beginning to show a hint of color in the western region of the state, so make sure to get outside and enjoy this special time of the year.

Forecast Summary: Sept. 23 – 29:

Young Fhinn Zeender-Lawrence joined family for fishing in the upper Choptank River, and shows off a 20-pound carp he caught before releasing it. Credit: Nathan Zeender

The upcoming week will bring cooler days, moderate winds, and a low chance of rain all week, continuing to cool Chesapeake Bay waters. Bay surface water temperatures have cooled to the upper 60s and low 70s and this trend will continue. These dense, cooling surface waters will sink, mixing the bay’s water from the surface to bottom. This will result in cool-water preferring fish being able to move more vertically in many areas and be more scattered until turnover conditions stabilize. As a result of the below-normal flows from the Susquehanna, upper bay salinities are slightly higher than normal. As always, best fishing areas could be further refined by intersecting them with underwater points, hard bottom, drop-offs, and large schools of baitfish. 

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