Manistee County has an abundance of outdoor opportunities


The popular television show “Good Morning America” recently did a segment on what is looking like some of the popular summer vacations and activities for people and families in the upcoming months.

Thanks to the vaccines, things are more upbeat this summer in terms of people feeling a little safer about getting outside for some fun activities. However, they stressed that many will be still keeping safety in their mind and staying closer to home in these “vaccications”.

One thing that the “Good Morning America” piece said would be big this year is camping, and early reservation numbers from campgrounds around the state of Michigan show that is already taking place. Those who have trailers can feel especially safe in this activity, but campers of all kinds know that being outside leaves them at less risk of catching COVID-19.

Manistee County has plenty of great camping opportunities for those who want to explore the outdoors. One in particular that will have a new look this year is the Orchard Beach State Park that is scheduled to open at the end June after undergoing some upgrades.

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