‘Lord, what do YOU want?’


In Mark 10:46-52, Jesus passes through Jericho and he walks by a blind man named Bartimaeus on the side of the road and He asks the guy, “What do you want me to do for you?” Wow, that’s better than being picked first for the dodge ball game on the asphalt at recess when you were in elementary school.

Think with me for just a minute. Jesus calls you over and then He asks you, “What do you want me to do for you?” This is the same guy who is described in Ephesians 3:20 as being able to do, “far more than we can imagine or ask.”

Obviously, this modern-day, homeless-type guy had thought about what if he ever won the lottery. He knew exactly what he wanted. It was probably from all the hours he sat on the side of the road begging that he wanted his sight. No-brainer, right? But, but what about you? What do you want Jesus to do for you? That’s a big ask!

What you want Jesus to do is reflected in your prayers, your daily living and how you exercise your faith. I don’t dream as much as I used to because I’m old, tired and too often way too cynical, plus most of my dreams have already come true so it is hard for me to answer that question. I know I want to stop getting old, I want to be less tired and I want to be less cynical (they say it’s not that cynical people don’t care, it’s that they care too much). I want people to know Jesus. I want marriages healed, families reconciled and my summer vacation to be paid for. I want a friend of mine who I love a lot to be healed from his addiction. I want my annual East Texas Spring Break fly fishing trip to get here early. I want a tennis partner as good as my old one (shout out to Rey). I want winter to go away permanently and live in a perpetual summer. I want time to write a book. I want to go to Syria and share Jesus. I want my friend who sins big to stop sinning so big. I want the person I know who always has to be the smartest person in the room and is divisive to be humbled and know that God that likes them and they don’t have to be like they are. I want people to stop wearing the scarlett letter the culture has given them. I want the church to be reminded the mandate is to make disciples that become fully functioning reproducing disciples. 

Jesus prayed in Luke 22:42 for a Plan B (He was going to the cross and not looking forward to it), this was His petition but He included a “yet not my will, but yours be done.” I guess at the end of the day that’s what I want too. I would answer His question with a question, “Lord, what do YOU want?” He told me to tell you that. 

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