Laramie is the ideal place to vacation, especially during a pandemic | Guest Column


My longtime fly-fishing buddy, my teenage grandson, and I spent all of June fishing the prairie lakes around Laramie when the wind would allow.

For the past 20 years, we have been looking for new places out West to fish. A Colorado Fish and Game biologist recommended the prairie lakes for their big fish and the friendliness of the area.

Consequently, we have been coming to Laramie for the past six years. This year the fly-fishing wasn’t very good (snow, 80 mile per hour winds, constant windy days), but the friendliness of Laramie was as usual — exceptional.

We proudly and enthusiastically want to give some well-deserved shoutouts to a number of Laramie businesses and individuals, who epitomize hospitality, friendship and professionalism.

The Mason Loft Condos

The Laramie Plains Museum created two lovely condos across the street from the museum. Well appointed, upscale and close to shopping make them ideal. Outdoor amenities include a grill, covered gazebo and private off-street parking. Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Joyce Powell manage the condos. These longtime Laramie residents and gracious charity givers are truly an awesome gift to Laramie and the Laramie Plains Museum. Doug and Joyce are the essence of truly professional hospitality hosts. We can’t say enough positive things about these two. Over the past six years these exceptionally fine folks have become true friends. For all Doug and Joyce have done for us over the years to make us comfortable; thank you so much!

Bruce R. Adams, D.D.S.

While we were fishing on a non-windy Saturday, my fishing buddy broke a tooth. Of course this had to happen on the weekend. After calling all Laramie dentists, only Dr. Adams responded. A doctor working on the weekend, answering his phone and willing to help is awesome. This good doctor said to call first thing Monday and he’d help him. Monday morning came, my buddy was promptly taken in, the tooth was fixed and we were back waiting for the wind to stop. Believe me, Dr. Adams was truly a lifesaver, for my friend wasn’t a happy camper until the tooth was repaired. Dr. Adams was timely, professional, very gracious and extremely friendly. As for me and my grandson, we especially want to say thank you doctor for saving us from any more whinny days like Sunday. As for my fishing buddy, I know he is relieved and much appreciative.

Two Dogs Guide Service

Whenever we visit a new fishing local, we always check in with the local fly shops to gain that all important local knowledge. Two Dogs Guide Service manager and guide Mr. Roger Bredehoft is the perfect description of what a professional fishing guide should be. His expertise, profound generosity and willingness to go above and beyond to try and please his clients, speaks to Bredehoft’s outstanding character. A longtime Laramie resident and retired Wyoming Game and Fish officer, this gracious man has gone to extended lengths to try and help us succeed, but he hasn’t been able to stop the wind. Need an expert in walleye and trout fishing please contact Bredeholt. Want to go fishing with an absolute great guy? Call Roger. Thanks, sir, for your unselfish time and valued services.

Ketts Auto Electric: When you travel hundreds of miles on dirt roads, stuff happens to your stuff. Our boat trailer ended up with an electrical short. Ketts Auto Electric was recommended by numerous individuals. The young man who owns Ketts and helped us was efficient, effective and exceeding professional. Repairs were made, and we greatly appreciate Ketts Auto Electric for their outstanding services.

More shoutouts

The following are just some of the other Laramie businesses that proved to be extremely helpful, friendly and professional. We honored these outstanding businesses by repeated visits and we want to express our deep appreciation for their valued services.

— Bernie’s Mexican Restaurant

— West Laramie Fly Store

— Chili’s Grill & Bar

— Wyoming’s Rib & Chop House

— Peerless Tires

— Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Thank you Laramie!

Western hospitality is alive and doing quite well in Laramie.

Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic is upon the world. Sadly, a number of restaurants we normally visit were closed. Hopefully, they will reopen and remain in business. We wish all of Laramie’s business the very best.

We will be back, so put the kids inside and the dogs out and please just try to slow down your wind a wee bit. Be safe. Stay well. God’s in control.

Jim Stephens currently resides in West Melbourne, Florida.

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