KSAT 12’s Mark Austin loves fishing and competition


Finding a work-life balance is important now more than ever. After the height of the COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone inside their homes, many have now carried their newfound hobbies with them or have picked back up an activity they haven’t enjoyed in a while.

For KSAT 12 anchor Mark Austin, that activity is fishing. He tells MySA that he first picked up a fishing pole when he was kid. 

“When we lived in California, we used to go camping a lot,” Austin says. “I didn’t know what I was doing. I would always have my dad’s tackle box and sit out there for hours.”

Fast forward to 2018 when Austin says he took the leisure activity a little bit farther.

“I got a kayak for a Christmas present. I said, ‘Wait, I know kayak fishing is a thing now, and I want to give it a shot.'”

KSAT 12 anchor Mark Austin shares passion for fishing

Courtesy, Mark Austin

So, he upgraded to a really big one and hit the water. Austin ended up competing in the Lonestar Throwdown, a kayak bass fishing competition, over the October 9 weekend. He says he finished 97th out of 187 anglers.

“For only my second tournament ever, I’ll take it,” Austin wrote in a Facebook post. “Despite lots of anglers and super clear water, I got two fish including this 17. I had opportunities for at least four other bass but they missed the lure.”

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