Joe’s Fishing Hole: Changing weather puts damper on fishing this weekend | Outdoors


The water level is average for this time of year and surface water temperatures have dropped into the low 50’s. Fishing is to good for 12 to 15-inch trout and bass fishing is fair. Just like other reservoirs, the trout are moving up in the water column and into shallower water. Black leeches have been working for both trout and bass along the weed beds. Chironomid patterns are also working for trout. Black or dark green spinners with contrasting spots are working for spin fishermen. For the most part, the same presentations that are used at South Fork, should work here.

The water level is very low and weeds are thick in the south marsh, but you can still launch a boat at the main boat landing. The boat dock will be removed soon, if not already by the time you read this. However, launching anything but a canoe or kayak at the Narciss boat launch is not recommended. Bass fishing is just fair with the cooler weather and water though larger bass are caught this time of year. The best tactic continues to be four-inch soft plastic jigs rigged weedless. Just fish them more slowly than during the heat of the summer. Dark colors such as black, blue, motor oil and guacamole with flashy flakes in them seem to work the best. Fishing is good for 10 to 13-inch trout at the collection ditch which has been planted with approximately 7,000 trout over the past few weeks. Water level in the collection ditch has improved and large browns and tigers are on the prowl during this fall spawning season. Small brightly colored spinners were doing well. Anglers need to switch to sub-surface flies such as leech patterns, wooly buggers or crystal buggers. Other flies working include the usual small nymphs such as PT’s, hares ears, olive soft hackles, red or blue copper Johns, prince nymphs and egg patterns. In the crystal, clear water of the collection ditch, if you can see the fish, they can see you. Go low, slow and wear drab clothing.

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