Jim Gronaw: Waters can be uncrowded this time of year to go after trout


In Maryland, September and October see a pleasant shift in trout fishing opportunities for both fly and spin fishermen as fall stockings pick up and anglers concentrate on other species. Throw in the fact that many Free State outdoorsmen and women are taking to the woods for the annual deer, waterfowl and small game seasons and one can imagine that many of our better trout waters can get pretty lonely, and downright uncrowded. None of that opening day craziness from the spring, but rather, more solitude and cooperative trout.

Maryland’s fall trout stocking program traditionally starts up in early October as crews supplement many of our streams and smaller lakes with rainbow, brown and golden trout. At this time anglers can reap the benefits of stunning autumn foliage, comfortable temperatures and willing trout. Along the way, there are opportunities to catch both native brook and wild brown trout in several central and western region streams as these fish will be spawning and making redds and offer up some brilliant coloration during these annual love-making rituals.

Put-and-take trout angling is for those who wish to bring home a tasty meal of “stockers,” 9 to 13-inch fish that are willing biters that will strike a variety of spinners, spoons, jigs or any number of “prepared” dough baits. For those seeking wild or native trout, it’s a different gig altogether as long hikes coupled with stealthy approaches with the fly rod enable adventuresome anglers to catch stunning male brook trout or naturalized browns with beadhead nymphs and San Juan Worms taking a share of the fish.

Garrett County’s Savage River tributaries are a current stronghold for native brook trout and there are other “thin blue lines” that hold them as well in western Maryland. North of the city of Frederick, the Catoctin Mountains also have streams that are home to the native brookies. These small, fragile fisheries need to be treated with respect hence a total catch-and-release effort is needed to ensure future generations of native trout in these areas.

Upper Gunpowder in Baltimore County offers good fly fishing opportunities for both stocked rainbows and brown trout as well as wild browns. Some adjoining creeks are reported to hold small pockets of native brook trout.

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Morgan Run in Carroll County contains both stocked and holdover populations of brown and rainbow trout with above-average numbers of fish. Enticing pools and riffles and fallen log jam cover in some areas.

Big Hunting Creek: located in Frederick County near Thurmont, this is a storied, beautiful, mountain creek that has been fished by numerous presidents. Fast-moving pocket water and smaller pools hold rainbows, browns and the occasional brook trout. Adjoining creeks throughout the Catoctins harbor naturalized browns and some have native brook trout.

Beaver Creek in Washington County east of Hagerstown. This may be one of the best streams in the state to catch a 20-inch class brown or rainbow, as holdover fish do well with the abundance of forage varieties here and are often spooky, making capture both challenging yet exciting. The limestone influence is unique among Maryland trout waters.

Throughout central and western Maryland there numerous smaller public lakes and ponds that have already been stocked by the Maryland DNR crews with rainbow, brown and some golden trout to add spice to the fall trout experience. Although perhaps not quite the quiet, woodland experience of the stream angling, it does provide a good option and cooperative fish for anglers wishing to harvest some trout for the table. Many of these waters are best fished with spinning gear and the use of commercially prepared dough baits or salmon egg renditions that you can usually purchase in the local big-box stores.

Another option would be to cast small spinners and spoons to aggressive fish that will take a variety of hardware such as Mepps, Kastmasters, Roostertails or Joe’s Flies tossed on ultralight spinning tackle with 4-pound test lines. If the chain stores are out of the trout lures then check out B&B Lures in Hanover, Pennsylvania or click on their Face Book page for details and directions to this dynamite, local shop.

My favorite all-time lure choice for both small and large trout during the fall is a tiny, 1/64th ounce hair jig that generically resembles a variety of insects, or, perhaps even a feed “pellet” that fish are used to seeing in the hatchery raceways. Again, fish these tiny offerings on ultralight gear with a small, plastic bobber for casting distance and strike indication purposes.

Keep in mind that current water conditions will dictate the timing of your trip. Due to varying stream conditions, fall trout stockings are not published as these dates can best be secured from various social media outlets from the Maryland DNR. Consult the 2022 Maryland Fishing Guide for special regulations, closures and special management areas concerning all of Maryland’s trout fishing areas or check the Maryland DNR website for the latest conditions, fishing reports and stocking schedules.

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