In The Mail | The Livingston Enterprise


Stance on energy shows why we should pick Kathleen Williams


I recently had the opportunity to read responses from our candidates for the House of Representatives to an identical question: What role would you like to see the House take in developing Montana’s energy sector? The two answers were so dramatically different they made it clear to me the vast difference between the two candidates.

Kathleen Williams answered that she recognizes that energy consumers want affordable energy from renewable sources, and while recognizing that the transition to renewables will not be immediate, it is the direction that the country should be going and that the consumers are demanding. She takes a broad approach looking at all sectors as the Montana economy moves forward, including addressing climate concerns, improvement of the energy grid, the transportation sector, and job creation. She looks to the future with an eye to creativity, innovation and competitiveness.

Matt Rosendale’s answer was neither forward looking nor creative. While he mentioned an “all of the above approach” he stopped there, returning to the standard coal, oil and natural gas alternatives, never even mentioning renewables or climate change. His main focus is simply removing regulations to the energy industry despite the fact that market forces, not regulations, have impacted the coal industry in Montana. Montana has a long history of environmental degradation due to the energy industry and for his main platform to be to weaken the protections in place is a short-sighted way to look at Montana’s energy future.

I encourage all who care about Montana’s land and future to vote for Kathleen Williams in the coming election.

Sue Dailey



Setting record straight on support for Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act


I recently viewed a self-promoting political ad from Senator Daines regarding the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act (YGPA). As a proud supporter of the work Senator Jon Tester championed in October 2016, resulting in his effort in initiating the YGPA for all Montanans, I submit this letter to the editor. 

Senator Tester responded to a bipartisan passionate group of local business owners who had formed a coalition working to block Lucky Minerals from mining at the base of Emigrant Peak near Yellowstone National Park to protect the local economy, which is based mostly upon agriculture, fly fishing, the hospitality industry and tourism. Former Secretary of the Interior Zinke and Congressman Gianforte joined in support, collaborating with Tester. It was more than three years after the grass roots coalition formed, and two years after Senator Tester actively advocated to ensure that the economic and environmental well-being of Paradise Valley be protected, that Senator Daines committed to the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act.  

Coalition work is extremely challenging, bringing people together and sustaining the energy necessary to accomplish legal actions in Congress and requires unyielding commitment to the cause. Guaranteeing economic and environmental vitality to Paradise Valley benefits every person that loves Montana regardless of political affiliation.  

I am a fervent believer that the truth matters today and every day. Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight. Are selective facts the truth or merely a manipulation? Protecting the health of our economy and environment are a-political issues.

Barbara J. Green



No debate about animal suffering on factory farms


While we debate the composition of our nation’s Supreme Court, there can be no debate about the supreme suffering taking place in our nation’s factory farms.

Recent undercover investigations show male baby chicks suffocated in plastic garbage bags or ground alive because they can’t lay eggs. Laying hens are packed into small wire cages that tear out their feathers. Breeding sows spend their entire lives pregnant in metal cages. Dairy cows are artificially impregnated each year, and their babies are snatched from them at birth so we can drink their milk. 

I found more details at — World Farmed Animals Day, launched in 1983 to memorialize the tens of billions of animals tormented and killed for food. I learned that raising animals for food is also hurting our health and the health of our planet.

Each of us has to choose whether to subsidize these atrocities with our food dollars. My choice has been to replace animal products in my diet with the healthful, cruelty-free plant-based meats and dairy products, as well as the rich selection of fruits and vegetables offered by my supermarket. A quick internet search provided lots of recipes and sound advice.

Logan Easterly


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