Iceland, Day Three: Here Comes the Sun . . . and the Fish


As I wrote yesterday, What a difference a day makes. After an appalling day of brutal weather and difficult fishing, we were greeted this morning by bright sunshine and very little wind. I headed out with guest Paul and Clint, guided by young Jacob, a Swede. At the second spot we tried, fish started rising furiously, and it wasn’t long before Paul and Clint had a double of beautiful chars. Finely calibrated scientific measurements confirmed that Paul’s was one centimeter longer.

The first double of the trip, scored by Paul and Clint, from a pool of rising char.
Photo by Jacob Fetscher

Our luck was being replicated by every other group, spread around the valley. Everyone caught big fish, and a few anglers caught more char than they had in the previous two days combined. All under a glorious sun, on a day that offered clear views of the surrounding mountains, including the volcano Hekla. I never imagined we’d see a day like this in Iceland.

Jacob spots fish while Paul tries to make the right presentation on the Kaldakvísl.
Photo by Phil Monahan

Rather than having me just blather on, enjoy these great images of a banner day for the whole group. Back at the lodge, everyone was simply buzzing with excitement, as they swapped stories and shared pictures, as well as sunburns. We leave the highlands tomorrow and head to Lake Þingvallavatn (Thingvallavatn) in southwestern Iceland, home to some truly giant brown trout, for two more days of fishing.

Fred, a relative novice angler, discovered his mojo today, landing five nice char.
Photo by Ólafur Tómas Guðbjartsson
Aside from the many char, several nice browns came to the net.
Photo by Auke Van Der Ploeg
Eric battles a nice brown in a canyon section.
Photo by Auke Van Der Ploeg
Greg shows off a dark male arctic char caught from the River Mouth stretch.
Photo by Jacob Fetscher
Guide Óli took Paul and Brint over a small glacier to their first fishing spot below a waterfall.
Photo by Ólafur Tómas Guðbjartsson

Stay tuned to for daily updates on our trip. After one more more day in the highlands, we’ll head to Lake Þingvallavatn (Thingvallavatn) in southwestern Iceland, home to some truly giant brown trout.

Previous updates:

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