Holiday Gift Guide 2020: The Best Fishing Gear


Since March, life has been a bit, um, different. Isolation, Zoom calls, remote learning for the kids, scary pandemic news and a whacky-ass presidential election…One of the few things that has had any semblance of normality for me has been fly fishing. It’s been a great escape and a source of optimism (which I wrote about here), and, because of that, I’ve doubled down on my interest and involvement in the sport. My fishing has all been local—we decamped to Vermont in the spring, and I targeted trout there. Since the summer, we’ve been back in New York, which has meant chasing striped bass, bluefish and false albacore in the saltwater.

I’m not the only one who has leaned hard into fly fishing during this time. In conversations with folks at the fly fishing brands, Orvis and G. Loomis, it’s pretty clear that the pandemic has both attracted legions of newcomers to the sport and instilled a deeper connection for those of us who were already hooked on it.

In that spirit, I thought it was a good time for a holiday gift guide that focuses on fly fishing. Below are some of the best products I’ve come across this year.

Sage Fly Rods Foundation Outfit

This is a great “starter” kit for anyone interested in getting into the sport of fly fishing—an excellent rod, reel and fly line, all in one. Get the 4 or 5-weight if you plan to trout fish. The 6 or 7-weight will work for bass. The 8-weight is a nice inshore saltwater outfit. $575

Orvis Two-Handed Mission Trout Spey Rod

If you’ve been trout fishing for a while now and want to mix it up a bit, give this rod a shot. Spey-casting some wet flies or streamers can be such a fun way to spend the day on a trout stream and expand your game. $800

G. Loomis NRX+ Spey + Switch Rod

If you’re looking to get even deeper into the spey-casting game—for, perhaps, steelhead or salmon—check out G. Loomis’ new two-hander, which is powerful and stable and will allow you to cast into the next county (or province, depending on where you are fishing). $950

Patagonia Ultralight Packable Jacket

Carrying a rain jacket (always needed!) when fishing can be kind of a pain. Do you stuff it into the back of your waders? Tie it around your waist? Here’s the solution: a waterproof, breathable, lightweight (8 ounces) jacket that packs down to a sack that’s the size of a tennis ball. $250

Abel Casey Underwood Edition Fly Reels

Abel has always been known for high quality fly reels that look super cool. This partnership with the artist, Casey Underwood, may be the company’s finest when it comes to aesthetics. There are six designs to choose from, and you put together your own reel on the Abel website. Add $200 to $300 onto the price of the reel type of your choosing.

The Classic Sporting Art of Bob White, by Bob White

White has been among the best sporting artists for a few decades now. We were due a book from him, and he finally delivered in 2020 with this magnificent tome, which includes 200 of his images and the writing of John Gierach, E. Donnall Thomas and Tom Rosenbauer. $75 for a signed hardcover; $150 for a limited edition that’s signed and includes an original pencil drawing on the title page

Fly Lords Dancing Bear Buff

“Rat cat alley, roll them bones

Need that cash to feed that Jones.”

           Get one, bro. $31

Trophy Brewing Cloud Surfer Modern IPA

Some important parts of angling take place off the water over a beer—the recounting of a good or tough day, the planning of, or daydreaming about, an upcoming trip. I discovered the Raleigh-based microbrewery, Trophy, this past summer and, holy-moly, do they make some good beers. My favorite among their offerings was Cloud Surfer, an excellent IPA that isn’t too strong (6.1 ABV). $36 for a 12-pack (limited shipping, so be sure to check availability)

Antlers in Velvet, by Leon III

This album was pitched to me because the front man of the band is Andy Stepanian, a cofounder of the fishing clothing brand, Howler Brothers (a favorite of mine in the industry). I’ll admit I was dubious at first—we all want to be in a band, right? But then I listened to the new album and it was…damn good, sort of a moody mix of Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes. Perfect accompaniment to a long drive after a good day on the water. The album isn’t out until March, but will be worth the wait. $9.50 for MP3

Fly Fishing Treasures: The World of Fly Fishers and Collecting, by Steve Woit

If you, like me, are a bit of a geek about fly fishing relics and lore, get a hold of Steve Woit’s book and check out his photos of rods, reels and flies (among other things) and interviews with those deeply involved in the world of collectible fly fishing gear. $80

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